Guang's Library

Abadi99: Ram pressure stripping of spiral galaxies in clusters

Abdo10: Gamma-ray Light Curves and Variability of Bright Fermi-detected Blazars

Adams11: The HETDEX Pilot Survey. I. Survey Design, Performance, and Catalog of Emission-line Galaxies

Agol00: Magnetic Stress at the Marginally Stable Orbit: Altered Disk Structure, Radiation, and Black Hole Spin Evolution

Aihara18: First data release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program

Aird10: The evolution of the hard X-ray luminosity function of AGN

Aird12: PRIMUS: The Dependence of AGN Accretion on Host Stellar Mass and Color

Aird15: The evolution of the X-ray luminosity functions of unabsorbed and absorbed AGNs out to z{$sim$} 5

Aird17b: X-rays across the galaxy population - I. Tracing the main sequence of star formation

Aird18: X-rays across the galaxy population {\ndash} II. The distribution of AGN accretion rates as a function of stellar mass and redshift

Aird19: X-rays across the galaxy population - III. The incidence of AGN as a function of star formation rate

Aird22: AGN accretion and black hole growth across compact and extended galaxy evolution phases

Ajello08: Cosmic X-Ray Background and Earth Albedo Spectra with Swift BAT

Akaike74: new look at the statistical model identificatio

Akhshik20: REQUIEM-2D Methodology: Spatially Resolved Stellar Populations of Massive Lensed Quiescent Galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope 2D Grism Spectroscopy

Akiyama15: The Subaru-XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS). VIII. Multi-wavelength identification, optical/NIR spectroscopic properties, and photometric redshifts of X-ray sources

Akritas96: A test for partial correlation with censored astronomical data

Akylas12: Constraining the fraction of Compton-thick AGN in the Universe by modelling the diffuse X-ray background spectrum

Akylas16: Compton-thick AGN in the 70-month Swift-BAT All-Sky Hard X-ray Survey: A Bayesian approach

Alberts20: Completing the Census of AGN in GOODS-S/HUDF: New Ultradeep Radio Imaging and Predictions for JWST

Alexander03: The Chandra Deep Field North Survey. XIII. 2 Ms Point-Source Catalogs

Alexander05: The X-Ray Spectral Properties of SCUBA Galaxies

Alexander05b: Rapid growth of black holes in massive star-forming galaxies

Alexander08: Reliable Identification of Compton-thick Quasars at z {\ap} 2: Spitzer Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of HDF-oMD49

Alexander11: X-Ray Spectral Constraints for z {\ap} 2 Massive Galaxies: The Identification of Reflection-dominated Active Galactic Nuclei

Alexander12: What drives the growth of black holes?

Alexander13: The NuSTAR Extragalactic Survey: A First Sensitive Look at the High-energy Cosmic X-Ray Background Population

Alexander16: ALMA observations of a z {\ap} 3.1 protocluster: star formation from active galactic nuclei and Lyman-alpha blobs in an overdense environment

Allende_prieto01: The Forbidden Abundance of Oxygen in the Sun

Allevato11: The XMM-Newton Wide Field Survey in the COSMOS Field: Redshift Evolution of AGN Bias and Subdominant Role of Mergers in Triggering Moderate-luminosity AGNs at Redshifts up to 2.2

Allevato12: Occupation of X-Ray-selected Galaxy Groups by X-Ray Active Galactic Nuclei

Allevato13: Measuring X-Ray Variability in Faint/Sparsely Sampled Active Galactic Nuclei

Allevato14: Clustering of Moderate Luminosity X-Ray-selected Type 1 and Type 2 AGNS at Z \~{} 3

Allevato16: The Chandra COSMOS Legacy Survey: Clustering of X-Ray-selected AGNs at 2.9 {\le} z {\le} 5.5 Using Photometric Redshift Probability Distribution Functions

Almaini00: -ray variability in a deep, flux-limited sample of QSO

Alonso_herrero06: Infrared Power-Law Galaxies in the Chandra Deep Field-South: Active Galactic Nuclei and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

Alonso_herrero11: Torus and Active Galactic Nucleus Properties of Nearby Seyfert Galaxies: Results from Fitting Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions and Spectroscopy

Alvarez_marquez19: Investigating the physical properties of galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization with MIRI/JWST spectroscopy

Amiri19: Role of Environment on Nuclear Activity

Ananna19: The Accretion History of AGNs. I. Supermassive Black Hole Population Synthesis Model

Ananna20: Accretion History of AGNs. II. Constraints on AGN Spectral Parameters Using the Cosmic X-Ray Background

Ananna20b: Accretion History of AGNs. III. Radiative Efficiency and AGN Contribution to Reionization

Anderson15: Unifying X-ray scaling relations from galaxies to clusters

Antoniou19: Deep Chandra Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud. III. Formation Efficiency of High-mass X-Ray Binaries

Antonucci93: Unified models for active galactic nuclei and quasars.

Aragon_calvo07: The multiscale morphology filter: identifying and extracting spatial patterns in the galaxy distribution

Aragon_calvo10: Multiscale phenomenology of the cosmic web

Arevalo14: The 2-79 keV X-Ray Spectrum of the Circinus Galaxy with NuSTAR, XMM-Newton, and Chandra: A Fully Compton-thick Active Galactic Nucleus

Arnaud96: XSPEC: The First Ten Years

Arnouts99: Measuring and modelling the redshift evolution of clustering: the Hubble Deep Field North

Ashby13: SEDS: The Spitzer Extended Deep Survey. Survey Design, Photometry, and Deep IRAC Source Counts

Ashby18: Spitzer Matching Survey of the UltraVISTA Ultra-deep Stripes (SMUVS): Full-mission IRAC Mosaics and Catalogs

Asmus15: The subarcsecond mid-infrared view of local active galactic nuclei - II. The mid-infrared-X-ray correlation

Asmus16: The Subarcsecond Mid-infrared View of Local Active Galactic Nuclei. III. Polar Dust Emission

Asmus19: New evidence for the ubiquity of prominent polar dust emission in AGN on tens of parsec scales

Assef13: Mid-infrared Selection of Active Galactic Nuclei with the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer. II. Properties of WISE-selected Active Galactic Nuclei in the NDWFS Bo{\"o}tes Field

Astropy: The Astropy Project: Building an Open-science Project and Status of the v2.0 Core Package

Astropy13: Astropy: A community Python package for astronomy

Awaki06: Variability Study of Seyfert 2 Galaxies with XMM-Newton

Azadi15: PRIMUS: The Relationship between Star Formation and AGN Accretion

Azadi18: The MOSDEF Survey: The Nature of Mid-infrared Excess Galaxies and a Comparison of IR and UV Star Formation Tracers at z ̃ 2

Baes03: Observational evidence for a connection between supermassive black holes and dark matter haloes

Baes11: Efficient Three-dimensional NLTE Dust Radiative Transfer with SKIRT

Bagley22: CEERS Epoch 1 NIRCam Imaging: Reduction Methods and Simulations Enabling Early JWST Science Results

Bahcall97: Hubble Space Telescope Images of a Sample of 20 Nearby Luminous Quasars

Bahcall99: lusters and superclusters of galaxie

Baldry04: Quantifying the Bimodal Color-Magnitude Distribution of Galaxies

Baldwin81: Classification parameters for the emission-line spectra of extragalactic objects.

Balestra10: The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey. VLT/VIMOS spectroscopy in the GOODS-south field: Part II

Ballantyne08: Obscuring Active Galactic Nuclei with Nuclear Starburst Disks

Ballo12: Exploring X-ray and radio emission of type 1 AGN up to z \raisebox{-0.5ex}\textasciitilde 2.3

Balmaverde17: Primordial environment of supermassive black holes. II. Deep Y- and J-band images around the z 6.3 quasar SDSS J1030+0524

Balogh04: Galaxy ecology: groups and low-density environments in the SDSS and 2dFGRS

Banados13: The Galaxy Environment of a QSO at z \~{} 5.7

Banados16: The Pan-STARRS1 Distant z{\nbsp}$\gt${\nbsp}5.6 Quasar Survey: More than 100 Quasars within the First Gyr of the Universe

Barbary16: SEP: Source Extractor as a library

Barcons15: Athena: the X-ray observatory to study the hot and energetic Universe

Barger03: Optical and Infrared Properties of the 2 Ms Chandra Deep Field North X-Ray Sources

Barger03a: Very High Redshift X-Ray-selected Active Galactic Nuclei in the Chandra Deep Field-North

Barger08: A Highly Complete Spectroscopic Survey of the GOODS-N Field1,

Barger15: The Host Galaxies of X-Ray Quasars are Not Strong Star Formers

Baron16: Evidence That Most Type-1 AGNs are Reddened by Dust in the Host ISM

Baronchelli17: Inferring Compton-thick AGN candidates at z$\gt$2 with Chandra using the $\gt$8 keV restframe spectral curvature

Barro13: CANDELS: The Progenitors of Compact Quiescent Galaxies at z \raisebox{-0.5ex}\textasciitilde 2

Barro14: Keck-I MOSFIRE Spectroscopy of Compact Star-forming Galaxies at z \>\textasciitilde 2: High Velocity Dispersions in Progenitors of Compact Quiescent Galaxies

Barro16: Sub-kiloparsec ALMA Imaging of Compact Star-forming Galaxies at z \raisebox{-0.5ex}\textasciitilde 2.5: Revealing the Formation of Dense Galactic Cores in the Progenitors of Compact Quiescent Galaxies

Barro17: Spatially Resolved Kinematics in the Central 1 kpc of a Compact Star-forming Galaxy at z {\ensuremath{\sim}}2.3 from ALMA CO Observations

Barro19: The CANDELS/SHARDS Multiwavelength Catalog in GOODS-N: Photometry, Photometric Redshifts, Stellar Masses, Emission-line Fluxes, and Star Formation Rates

Bauer15: NuSTAR Spectroscopy of Multi-component X-Ray Reflection from NGC 1068

Bauer17: A new, faint population of X-ray transients

Begelman06: Formation of supermassive black holes by direct collapse in pre-galactic haloes

Begelman08: Implications of very rapid TeV variability in blazars

Behroozi13: The Average Star Formation Histories of Galaxies in Dark Matter Halos from z = 0-8

Behroozi18: UniverseMachine: The Correlation between Galaxy Growth and Dark Matter Halo Assembly from z=0-10

Belloni14: Fast Variability from Black-Hole Binaries

Bellovary13: The Relative Role of Galaxy Mergers and Cosmic Flows in Feeding Black Holes

Benitez00: Bayesian Photometric Redshift Estimation

Bennert11: The Relation between Black Hole Mass and Host Spheroid Stellar Mass Out to z \~{} 2

Bentz09: The Radius-Luminosity Relationship for Active Galactic Nuclei: The Effect of Host-Galaxy Starlight on Luminosity Measurements. II. The Full Sample of Reverberation-Mapped AGNs

Berk04: he Ensemble Photometric Variability of\~{} 25,000 Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Surve

Bernhard16: An enhanced fraction of starbursting galaxies among high Eddington ratio AGNs

Bertin96: SExtractor: Software for source extraction.

Best04: The environmental dependence of radio-loud AGN activity and star formation in the 2dFGRS

Bi20: Chandra Survey of Nearby Galaxies: An Extended Catalog

Bisigello16: The Impact of JWST Broadband Filter Choice on Photometric Redshift Estimation

Bisigello17: Recovering the Properties of High-redshift Galaxies with Different JWST Broadband Filters

Blandford19: Relativistic Jets from Active Galactic Nuclei

Blandford77: Electromagnetic extraction of energy from Kerr black holes.

Blandford82: Hydromagnetic flows from accretion disks and the production of radio jets.

Boccaletti15: The Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope, V: Predicted Performance of the MIRI Coronagraphs

Bolatto13: The CO-to-H$_{2}$ Conversion Factor

Bonato17: Exploring the Evolution of Star Formation and Dwarf Galaxy Properties with JWST/MIRI Serendipitous Spectroscopic Surveys

Bondi52: On spherically symmetrical accretion

Bongiorno12: Accreting supermassive black holes in the COSMOS field and the connection to their host galaxies

Bongiorno16: AGN host galaxy mass function in COSMOS. Is AGN feedback responsible for the mass-quenching of galaxies?

Bonoli14: Massive black hole seeds born via direct gas collapse in galaxy mergers: their properties, statistics and environment

Bonzini12: The Sub-mJy Radio Population of the E-CDFS: Optical and Infrared Counterpart Identification

Bonzini13: The sub-mJy radio sky in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South: source population

Boquien19: CIGALE: a python Code Investigating GALaxy Emission

Bornancini18: Active galactic nuclei at high redshifts: properties and environment of Type 1 and 2 AGNs

Boucaud16: Convolution kernels for multi-wavelength imaging

Bouchet15: The Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope, III: MIRIM, The MIRI Imager

Boutsia09: Spectroscopic follow-up of variability-selected active galactic nuclei in the Chandra Deep Field South

Bouwens12: Lower-luminosity Galaxies Could Reionize the Universe: Very Steep Faint-end Slopes to the UV Luminosity Functions at z {\gt}= 5-8 from the HUDF09 WFC3/IR Observations

Bouwens14: UV Luminosity Functions at redshifts z\~{}4 to z\~{}10: 11000 Galaxies from HST Legacy Fields

Bowman19: Galaxies of the z {\ensuremath{\sim}} 2 Universe. I. Grism-selected Rest-frame Optical Emission-line Galaxies

Bradley19: stropy/photutils: v0.

Brammer08: EAZY: A Fast, Public Photometric Redshift Code

Brammer11: The Number Density and Mass Density of Star-forming and Quiescent Galaxies at 0.4 $\lt$= z $\lt$= 2.2

Brandt00: On the Nature of Soft X-Ray Weak Quasi-stellar Objects

Brandt01: The Chandra Deep Field North Survey. V. 1 Ms Source Catalogs

Brandt05: Deep Extragalactic X-Ray Surveys

Brandt10: Supermassive black-hole growth over cosmic time: Active galaxy demography, physics, and ecology from Chandra surveys

Brandt15: Cosmic X-ray surveys of distant active galaxies. The demographics, physics, and ecology of growing supermassive black holes

Brandt21: Surveys of the Cosmic X-ray Background

Brandt97: ASCA spectroscopy of IRAS 23060+0505: penetrating the torus of a type 2 quasar with X-rays

Brightman11: An XMM-Newton spectral survey of 12 {$\mu$}m selected galaxies - I. X-ray data

Brightman12: The evolution of the Compton thick fraction and the nature of obscuration for active galactic nuclei in the Chandra Deep Field South

Brightman13: A statistical relation between the X-ray spectral index and Eddington ratio of active galactic nuclei in deep surveys

Brightman14: Compton thick active galactic nuclei in Chandra surveys

Bromm03: Formation of the First Supermassive Black Holes

Broos10: Innovations in the Analysis of Chandra-ACIS Observations

Brown14: An Atlas of Galaxy Spectral Energy Distributions from the Ultraviolet to the Mid-infrared

Brown19: The spectral energy distributions of active galactic nuclei

Bruce16: The bulge-disc decomposition of AGN host galaxies

Brusa18: Molecular outflow and feedback in the obscured quasar XID2028 revealed by ALMA

Bruzual03: Stellar population synthesis at the resolution of 2003

Buat10: Measures of star formation rates from infrared (Herschel) and UV (GALEX) emissions of galaxies in the HerMES fields

Buat15: Dust attenuation up to z ≃ 2 in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Deep Field

Buat19: Cold dust and stellar emissions in dust-rich galaxies observed with ALMA: a challenge for SED-fitting techniques

Buat21: Polar dust obscuration in broad-line active galaxies from the XMM-XXL field

Buchner15: Obscuration-dependent Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei

Buitrago13: Early-type galaxies have been the predominant morphological class for massive galaxies since only z {\tilde} 1

Bunker03: A star-forming galaxy at z= 5.78 in the Chandra Deep Field South

Burgarella05: Star formation and dust attenuation properties in galaxies from a statistical ultraviolet-to-far-infrared analysis

Burlon11: Three-year Swift-BAT Survey of Active Galactic Nuclei: Reconciling Theory and Observations?

Burnham02: nformation and likelihood theory: a basis for model selection and inferenc

Burrows18: The ATHENA WFI science products module

Calistro_rivera16: AGNfitter: A Bayesian MCMC Approach to Fitting Spectral Energy Distributions of AGNs

Calzetti00: The Dust Content and Opacity of Actively Star-forming Galaxies

Calzetti10: The Calibration of Monochromatic Far-Infrared Star Formation Rate Indicators

Cameron11: On the Estimation of Confidence Intervals for Binomial Population Proportions in Astronomy: The Simplicity and Superiority of the Bayesian Approach

Camps15: SKIRT: An advanced dust radiative transfer code with a user-friendly architecture

Capak04: A Deep Wide-Field, Optical, and Near-Infrared Catalog of a Large Area around the Hubble Deep Field North

Cappellari16: Structure and Kinematics of Early-Type Galaxies from Integral Field Spectroscopy

Cappelluti09: The XMM-Newton wide-field survey in the COSMOS field. The point-like X-ray source catalogue

Caputi13: A Generalized Power-law Diagnostic for Infrared Galaxies at z ~ 1: Active Galactic Nuclei and Hot Interstellar Dust

Cardamone10: The Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC): Deep Medium-band Optical Imaging and High-quality 32-band Photometric Redshifts in the ECDF-S

Carilli13: Cool Gas in High-Redshift Galaxies

Carnall18: Inferring the star formation histories of massive quiescent galaxies with BAGPIPES: evidence for multiple quenching mechanisms

Casey11: Spectroscopic characterization of 250-{$\mu$}m-selected hyper-luminous star-forming galaxies

Casey12: Far-infrared spectral energy distribution fitting for galaxies near and far

Casey14: Dusty star-forming galaxies at high redshift

Cash79: Parameter estimation in astronomy through application of the likelihood ratio

Castellano07: A Photometrically Detected Forming Cluster of Galaxies at Redshift 1.6 in the GOODS Field

Cattaneo05: Spectral and morphological properties of quasar hosts in smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of active galactic nucleus feeding by mergers

Cautun14: Milky Way mass constraints from the Galactic satellite gap

Chabrier03: The Galactic Disk Mass Function: Reconciliation of the Hubble Space Telescope and Nearby Determinations

Chang15: Stellar Masses and Star Formation Rates for 1M Galaxies from SDSS+WISE

Chang17: Infrared Selection of Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei in the COSMOS Field

Chapman05: A Redshift Survey of the Submillimeter Galaxy Population

Charlot00: A Simple Model for the Absorption of Starlight by Dust in Galaxies

Chartas09: Confirmation of and Variable Energy Injection by a Near-Relativistic Outflow in APM 08279+5255

Chary07: Hubble Ultra Deep Field-JD2: Mid-Infrared Evidence for a z \raisebox{-0.5ex}\textasciitilde 2 Luminous Infrared Galaxy

Chelouche14: On the Performance of Quasar Reverberation Mapping in the Era of Time-domain Photometric Surveys

Chen13: A Correlation between Star Formation Rate and Average Black Hole Accretion in Star-forming Galaxies

Chen18: The XMM-SERVS survey: new XMM-Newton point-source catalogue for the XMM-LSS field

Cheung16: Suppressing star formation in quiescent galaxies with supermassive black hole winds

Churazov07: INTEGRAL observations of the cosmic X-ray background in the 5-100 keV range via occultation by the Earth

Churazov96: Mapping the Gas Temperature Distribution in Extended X-Ray Sources and Spectral Analysis in the Case of Low Statistics: Application to ASCA Observations of Clusters of Galaxies

Ciesla14: Dust spectral energy distributions of nearby galaxies: an insight from the Herschel Reference Survey

Ciesla15: Constraining the properties of AGN host galaxies with spectral energy distribution modelling

Cisternas11: Secular Evolution and a Non-evolving Black-hole-to-galaxy Mass Ratio in the Last 7 Gyr

Civano16: The Chandra Cosmos Legacy Survey: Overview and Point Source Catalog

Clements11: The AKARI Deep Field-South: Spitzer 24- and 70-{\ensuremath{\mu}}m observations, catalogues and counts

Clowe06: A Direct Empirical Proof of the Existence of Dark Matter

Coffey14: Absorption at the dust sublimation radius and the dichotomy between X-ray and optical classification in the Seyfert galaxy H0557-385

Cohen00: Caltech Faint Galaxy Redshift Survey. X. A Redshift Survey in the Region of the Hubble Deep Field North

Coil04: Evolution and Color Dependence of the Galaxy Angular Correlation Function: 350,000 Galaxies in 5 Square Degrees

Coil06: The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: Clustering of Galaxies as a Function of Luminosity at z = 1

Coil09: AEGIS: The Clustering of X-Ray Active Galactic Nucleus Relative to Galaxies at z \~{} 1

Coil15: The MOSDEF Survey: Optical Active Galactic Nucleus Diagnostics at z \textasciitilde 2.3

Coil17: PRIMUS+DEEP2: The Dependence of Galaxy Clustering on Stellar Mass and Specific Star Formation Rate at 0.2 $\lt$ z $\lt$ 1.2

Coldwell06: Properties of galaxies in Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar environments at z $\lt$ 0.2

Colgate03: Cosmological Mestel Disks and the Rossby Vortex Instability: The Origin of Supermassive Black Holes

Colless01: The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: spectra and redshifts

Collinge01: High-Resolution X-Ray and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Complex Intrinsic Absorption in NGC 4051 with Chandra and the Hubble Space Telescope

Comastri11: The XMM Deep survey in the CDF-S. I. First results on heavily obscured AGN

Comastri15: Mass without radiation: Heavily obscured AGNs, the X-ray background, and the black hole mass density

Connolly14: Long-term wind-driven X-ray spectral variability of NGC 1365 with Swift

Connolly15: Long-Term X-ray Spectral Variability of Seyfert Galaxies with Swift

Connolly95: Slicing Through Multicolor Space: Galaxy Redshifts from Broadband Photometry

Conroy09: Connecting Galaxies, Halos, and Star Formation Rates Across Cosmic Time

Conselice14: The Evolution of Galaxy Structure Over Cosmic Time

Cooper06: The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: the relationship between galaxy properties and environment at z \~{} 1

Cooper12: The Arizona CDFS Environment Survey (ACES): A Magellan/IMACS Spectroscopic Survey of the Chandra Deep Field-South

Copper11: The DEEP3 Galaxy Redshift Survey: Keck/DEIMOS Spectroscopy in the GOODS-N Field

Coppin12: Herschel-PACS observations of [O I]63 {$\mu$}m towards submillimetre galaxies at z {$sim$} 1

Corral15: XMMFITCAT: The XMM-Newton spectral-fit database

Courteau14: Galaxy masses

Cowie04: A Large Sample of Spectroscopic Redshifts in the ACS-GOODS Region of the Hubble Deep Field North

Cowie20: On the Absence of High-Redshift AGNs: Little Growth in the Supermassive Black Hole Population at High Redshifts

Cowie96: New Insight on Galaxy Formation and Evolution From Keck Spectroscopy of the Hawaii Deep Fields

Crain15: The EAGLE simulations of galaxy formation: calibration of subgrid physics and model variations

Cristiani00: The first VLT FORS1 spectra of Lyman-break candidates in the HDF-S and AXAF Deep Field

Cristiani04: The Space Density of High-redshift QSOs in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey

Croom01: The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - V. The 10k catalogue

Croton06: The many lives of active galactic nuclei: cooling flows, black holes and the luminosities and colours of galaxies

Crowl05: Dense Cloud Ablation and Ram Pressure Stripping of the Virgo Spiral NGC 4402

Cui09: eV gamma-ray astronom

Daddi04: A New Photometric Technique for the Joint Selection of Star-forming and Passive Galaxies at 1.4 {\lt}\~{} z {\lt}\~{} 2.5

Daddi07: Multiwavelength Study of Massive Galaxies at z\~{}2. II. Widespread Compton-thick Active Galactic Nuclei and the Concurrent Growth of Black Holes and Bulges

Daddi07b: Multiwavelength Study of Massive Galaxies at z\raisebox{-0.5ex}\textasciitilde2. I. Star Formation and Galaxy Growth

Daddi15: CO excitation of normal star-forming galaxies out to z = 1.5 as regulated by the properties of their interstellar medium

Dadina08: Seyfert galaxies in the local Universe (z {\ensuremath{\leq}} 0.1): the average X-ray spectrum as seen by BeppoSAX

Dahlen10: A Detailed Study of Photometric Redshifts for GOODS-South Galaxies

Dahlen13: A Critical Assessment of Photometric Redshift Methods: A CANDELS Investigation

Dai18: Is there a relationship between AGN and star formationin IR-bright AGNs?

Dale14: A Two-parameter Model for the Infrared/Submillimeter/Radio Spectral Energy Distributions of Galaxies and Active Galactic Nuclei

Damato20: Dust and gas content of high-redshift galaxies hosting obscured AGN in the Chandra Deep Field-South

Darvish14: Cosmic Web and Star Formation Activity in Galaxies at z \~{} 1

Darvish15: A Comparative Study of Density Field Estimation for Galaxies: New Insights into the Evolution of Galaxies with Environment in COSMOS out to z{$sim$}3

Darvish16: The Effects of the Local Environment and Stellar Mass on Galaxy Quenching to z {$sim$} 3

Darvish17: Cosmic Web of Galaxies in the COSMOS Field: Public Catalog and Different Quenching for Centrals and Satellites

Davidzon17: The COSMOS2015 galaxy stellar mass function . Thirteen billion years of stellar mass assembly in ten snapshots

Davies07: A Close Look at Star Formation around Active Galactic Nuclei

Davis07: The UV Continuum of Quasars: Models and SDSS Spectral Slopes

Davis11: The Radiative Efficiency of Accretion Flows in Individual Active Galactic Nuclei

Davis18: Black Hole Mass Scaling Relations for Spiral Galaxies. II. $M\_{\rm BH}$-$M\_{\rm *,tot}$ and $M\_{\rm BH}$-$M\_{\rm *,disk}$

Davis18b: Black Hole Mass Scaling Relations for Spiral Galaxies. I. $M\_{\rm BH}$-$M\_{\rm *,sph}$

Davis20: Magnetohydrodynamics Simulations of Active Galactic Nucleus Disks and Jets

De_cicco15: Variability-selected active galactic nuclei in the VST-SUDARE/VOICE survey of the COSMOS field

De_luca16: Science with the EXTraS Project: Exploring the X-Ray Transient and Variable Sky

De_lucia06: The formation history of elliptical galaxies

Decarli16: The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Molecular Gas Reservoirs in High-redshift Galaxies

Dekel09: Cold streams in early massive hot haloes as the main mode of galaxy formation

Dekel14: Wet disc contraction to galactic blue nuggets and quenching to red nuggets

Dekel19: Origin of the Golden Mass of Galaxies and Black Holes

Del_moro16: Mid-infrared luminous quasars in the GOODS-Herschel fields: a large population of heavily obscured, Compton-thick quasars at z {\ap} 2

Delucia06: The formation history of elliptical galaxies

Delvecchio15: Mapping the average AGN accretion rate in the SFR-M$_{*}$ plane for Herschel-selected galaxies at 0 $\lt$ z {\le} 2.5

Delvecchio17: The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: AGN and host-galaxy properties out to z {\lsim} 6

Delvecchio21: The infrared-radio correlation of star-forming galaxies is strongly M$_{{\ensuremath{\star}}}$-dependent but nearly redshift-invariant since z {\ensuremath{\sim}} 4

Deo07: Spitzer IRS Observations of Seyfert 1.8 and 1.9 Galaxies: A Comparison with Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2

Desjacques16: Large-Scale Galaxy Bias

Dey08: A Significant Population of Very Luminous Dust-Obscured Galaxies at Redshift z \raisebox{-0.5ex}\textasciitilde 2

Dickinson04: Color-selected Galaxies at z \~{} 6 in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey

Dickinson06: A Deep-Wide Far-Infrared Survey of Cosmological Star Formation and AGN Activity

Diemer17: Log-normal Star Formation Histories in Simulated and Observed Galaxies

Digby_north10: Excess AGN activity in the z = 2.30 Protocluster in HS 1700+64

Ding18: Variability-selected Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei Candidates in the 7 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South

Dipompeo14: The angular clustering of infrared-selected obscured and unobscured quasars

Doherty05: The Las Campanas Infrared Survey - V. Keck spectroscopy of a large sample of extremely red objects

Dole04: Confusion of Extragalactic Sources in the Mid- and Far-Infrared: Spitzer and Beyond

Dominguez_sanchez18: Improving galaxy morphologies for SDSS with Deep Learning

Dong16: Herschel Observed Stripe 82 Quasars and Their Host Galaxies: Connections between AGN Activity and host Galaxy Star Formation

Donley12: Identifying Luminous Active Galactic Nuclei in Deep Surveys: Revised IRAC Selection Criteria

Donley18: Evidence for Merger-driven Growth in Luminous, High-z, Obscured AGNs in the CANDELS/COSMOS Field

Draine07: Infrared Emission from Interstellar Dust. IV. The Silicate-Graphite-PAH Model in the Post-Spitzer Era

Draine14: Andromeda's Dust

Dressler80: Galaxy morphology in rich clusters - Implications for the formation and evolution of galaxies

Dubois15: Black hole evolution - I. Supernova-regulated black hole growth

Duras17: The WISSH quasars project. II. Giant star nurseries in hyper-luminous quasars

Eales16: The Galaxy End Sequence

Eastman07: First Measurement of a Rapid Increase in the AGN Fraction in High-Redshift Clusters of Galaxies

Ebeling14: Jellyfish: Evidence of Extreme Ram-pressure Stripping in Massive Galaxy Clusters

Eckart06: The Serendipitous Extragalactic X-Ray Source Identification (SEXSI) Program. III. Optical Spectroscopy

Ehlert14: X-ray bright active galactic nuclei in massive galaxy clusters - II. The fraction of galaxies hosting active nuclei

Ehlert15: X-ray bright active galactic nuclei in massive galaxy clusters - III. New insights into the triggering mechanisms of cluster AGN

Eisenhardt12: The First Hyper-luminous Infrared Galaxy Discovered by WISE

Elbaz07: The reversal of the star formation-density relation in the distant universe

Elbaz11: GOODS-Herschel: an infrared main sequence for star-forming galaxies

Elitzur14: Evolution of broad-line emission from active galactic nuclei

Elvis12: Spectral Energy Distributions of Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei in the COSMOS Survey. I. The XMM-COSMOS Sample

Elvis94: Atlas of Quasar Energy Distributions

Estrada_carpenter19: CLEAR. I. Ages and Metallicities of Quiescent Galaxies at 1.0 \< z \< 1.8 Derived from Deep Hubble Space Telescope Grism Data

Estrada_carpenter20: CLEAR. II. Evidence for Early Formation of the Most Compact Quiescent Galaxies at High Redshift

Euclid11: Euclid Definition Study Report

Evans10: The Chandra Source Catalog

Fabbiano06: Populations of X-Ray Sources in Galaxies

Fabian12: Observational Evidence of Active Galactic Nuclei Feedback

Fabian92: The origin of the X-ray background.

Faisst16: A Coherent Study of Emission Lines from Broadband Photometry: Specific Star Formation Rates and [O III]/H{\ensuremath{\beta}} Ratio at 3 z 6

Falocco15: SUDARE-VOICE variability-selection of active galaxies in the Chandra Deep Field South and the SERVS/SWIRE region

Fan06: Observational Constraints on Cosmic Reionization

Fan16: Infrared Spectral Energy Distribution Decomposition of WISE-selected, Hyperluminous Hot Dust-obscured Galaxies

Fan16b: The Most Luminous Heavily Obscured Quasars Have a High Merger Fraction: Morphological Study of WISE-selected Hot Dust-obscured Galaxies

Fan99: High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data

Farouki81: Computer simulations of environmental influences on galaxy evolution in dense clusters. II - Rapid tidal encounters

Fausnaugh16: Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. III. Optical Continuum Emission and Broadband Time Delays in NGC 5548

Feigelson04: The Chandra Deep Field-North Survey. XVII. Evolution of Magnetic Activity in Old Late-Type Stars

Feigelson12: odern Statistical Methods for Astronomy: With R Application

Feldmann17: Are star formation rates of galaxies bimodal?

Feltre12: Smooth and clumpy dust distributions in AGN: a direct comparison of two commonly explored infrared emission models

Ferland17: The 2017 Release Cloudy

Ferrarese00: A Fundamental Relation between Supermassive Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies

Ferrarese02: Beyond the Bulge: A Fundamental Relation between Supermassive Black Holes and Dark Matter Halos

Feruglio11: Discovery of Strong Iron K{$\alpha$} Emitting Compton Thick Quasars at z = 2.5 and 2.9

Filiz13: Broad Absorption Line Variability on Multi-year Timescales in a Large Quasar Sample

Finkelstein17: The Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) Survey

Finkelstein19: Conditions for Reionizing the Universe with a Low Galaxy Ionizing Photon Escape Fraction

Finoguenov07: The XMM-Newton Wide-Field Survey in the COSMOS Field: Statistical Properties of Clusters of Galaxies

Finoguenov15: Ultra-deep catalog of X-ray groups in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South

Fiore12: Faint high-redshift AGN in the Chandra deep field south: the evolution of the AGN luminosity function and black hole demography

Fischer98: The ROSAT Bright Survey. I. Identification of an AGN sample with hard ROSAT X-ray spectra.

Fontanot07: The luminosity function of high-redshift quasi-stellar objects. A combined analysis of GOODS and SDSS

Foreman13: emcee: The MCMC Hammer

Foreman_mackey16: Scatterplot matrices in Pytho

Fornasini18: Low-luminosity AGN and X-Ray Binary Populations in COSMOS Star-forming Galaxies

Fossati17: Galaxy Environment in the 3D-HST Fields: Witnessing the Onset of Satellite Quenching at z {$sim$} 1-2

Fotopoulous12: Photometry and Photometric Redshift Catalogs for the Lockman Hole Deep Field

Fragos13: X-Ray Binary Evolution Across Cosmic Time

Fragos13b: Energy Feedback from X-Ray Binaries in the Early Universe

Freeman01: Sherpa: a mission-independent data analysis application

Freundlich19: PHIBSS2: survey design and z = 0.5 - 0.8 results. Molecular gas reservoirs during the winding-down of star formation

Fritz06: Revisiting the infrared spectra of active galactic nuclei with a new torus emission model

Gaia16: The Gaia mission

Gaia18: Gaia Data Release 2. Summary of the contents and survey properties

Gaia22: Gaia Data Release 3: Summary of the content and survey properties

Galametz13: CANDELS Multiwavelength Catalogs: Source Identification and Photometry in the CANDELS UKIDSS Ultra-deep Survey Field

Gallagher02: X-Ray Spectroscopy of Quasi-Stellar Objects with Broad Ultraviolet Absorption Lines

Gallagher06: An Exploratory Chandra Survey of a Well-defined Sample of 35 Large Bright Quasar Survey Broad Absorption Line Quasars

Gallaghper04: Dramatic X-Ray Spectral Variability of the Broad Absorption Line Quasar PG 2112+059

Gallazzi14: Charting the Evolution of the Ages and Metallicities of Massive Galaxies since z = 0.7

Gallo18: X-ray perspective of Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies

Gandhi09: Resolving the mid-infrared cores of local Seyferts

Gandhi16: The weak neutral Fe fluorescence line and long-term X-ray evolution of the Compton-thick AGN in NGC 7674

Ganguly07: Outflows and the Physical Properties of Quasars

Garmire03: Advanced CCD imaging spectrometer (ACIS) instrument on the Chandra X-ray Observatory

Garofali18: Formation time-scales for high-mass X-ray binaries in M33

Gaskell04: The Nuclear Reddening Curve for Active Galactic Nuclei and the Shape of the Infrared to X-Ray Spectral Energy Distribution

Gaskell07: AGN Reddening and Ultraviolet Extinction Curves from Hubble Space Telescope Spectra

Gaspari17: Raining on black holes and massive galaxies: the top-down multiphase condensation model

Gebhardt00: A Relationship between Nuclear Black Hole Mass and Galaxy Velocity Dispersion

Gebhardt01: M33: A Galaxy with No Supermassive Black Hole

Gehrels86: Confidence limits for small numbers of events in astrophysical data

Gendreau95: ASCA Observations of the Spectrum of the X-Ray Background

Genel14: Introducing the Illustris project: the evolution of galaxy populations across cosmic time

Generozov15: Circumnuclear media of quiescent supermassive black holes

Georgakakis08: X-ray selected AGN in groups at redshifts z \~{} 1

Georgakakis08b: A new method for determining the sensitivity of X-ray imaging observations and the X-ray number counts

Georgakakis14: Large-scale clustering measurements with photometric redshifts: comparing the dark matter haloes of X-ray AGN, star-forming and passive galaxies at z $\approx$ 1

Georgakakis15: The X-ray luminosity function of active galactic nuclei in the redshift interval z=3-5

Georgakakis17: Observational constraints on the specific accretion-rate distribution of X-ray-selected AGNs

Georgakakis18: onnecting supermassive black-holes with the cosmic we

Georgantopoulos11: On the L$_{x}$ - L$_{6 {\ensuremath{\mu}}m}$ ratio as a diagnostic for Compton-thick AGN

Georgantopoulos13: The XMM deep survey in the CDF-S. IV. Compton-thick AGN candidates

George11: Galaxies in X-Ray Groups. I. Robust Membership Assignment and the Impact of Group Environments on Quenching

George91: X-ray reflection from cold matter in active galactic nuclei and X-ray binaries

Ghez08: Measuring Distance and Properties of the Milky Way's Central Supermassive Black Hole with Stellar Orbits

Ghosh06: RBS 1032: a dwarf-nucleated spheroidal galaxy with an intermediate-mass black hole hosted in a globular cluster

Giacconi62: Evidence for x Rays From Sources Outside the Solar System

Giallongo19: Space Densities and Emissivities of Active Galactic Nuclei at z \> 4

Giavalisco04: The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey: Initial Results from Optical and Near-Infrared Imaging

Gibson08: Are Optically Selected Quasars Universally X-Ray Luminous? X-Ray-UV Relations in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasars

Gibson09: A Catalog of Broad Absorption Line Quasars in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5

Gibson12: The X-Ray Variability of a Large, Serendipitous Sample of Spectroscopic Quasars

Gilfanov14: Observational Appearance of Black Holes in X-Ray Binaries and AGN

Gilli07: The synthesis of the cosmic X-ray background in the Chandra and XMM-Newton era

Gilli07b: The spatial clustering of mid-IR selected star forming galaxies at z \~{} 1 in the GOODS fields

Gilli09: The spatial clustering of X-ray selected AGN in the XMM-COSMOS field

Gilli11: A Compton-thick Active Galactic Nucleus at z \~{} 5 in the 4 Ms Chandra Deep Field South

Gilli14: ALMA reveals a warm and compact starburst around a heavily obscured supermassive black hole at z = 4.75

Glasse15: The Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope, IX: Predicted Sensitivity

Glennie15: Two fast X-ray transients in archival Chandra data

Gohil17: Modelling the vertical structure of nuclear starburst discs: a possible source of AGN obscuration at z {\tilde} 1

Gonzalez-martin12: X-ray variability of 104 active galactic nuclei. XMM-Newton power-spectrum density profiles

Gonzalez_lopez20: The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the HUDF: Deep 1.2 mm Continuum Number Counts

Goodrich95: Dust in the broad-line regions of Seyfert galaxies

Goulding10: Towards a complete census of active galactic nuclei in nearby galaxies: the incidence of growing black holes

Goulding12: The Chandra X-Ray Point-source Catalog in the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey Fields

Goulding17: Galaxy-scale Bars in Late-type Sloan Digital Sky Survey Galaxies Do Not Influence the Average Accretion Rates of Supermassive Black Holes

Greene10: Precise Black Hole Masses from Megamaser Disks: Black Hole-Bulge Relations at Low Mass

Greene12: Low-mass black holes as the remnants of primordial black hole formation

Greene16: Megamaser Disks Reveal a Broad Distribution of Black Hole Mass in Spiral Galaxies

Greene20: Intermediate-Mass Black Holes

Grogin05: AGN Host Galaxies at z\~{}0.4-1.3: Bulge-dominated and Lacking Merger-AGN Connection

Grogin11: CANDELS: The Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey

Groves06: Emission-line diagnostics of low-metallicity active galactic nuclei

Gruber99: The Spectrum of Diffuse Cosmic Hard X-Rays Measured with HEAO 1

Gruppioni13: The Herschel PEP/HerMES luminosity function - I. Probing the evolution of PACS selected Galaxies to z {\sime} 4

Gruppioni20: The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey. The nature, luminosity function, and star formation history of dusty galaxies up to z ≃ 6

Gudel09: X-ray spectroscopy of stars

Gunn72: On the Infall of Matter Into Clusters of Galaxies and Some Effects on Their Evolution

Guo13: CANDELS Multi-wavelength Catalogs: Source Detection and Photometry in the GOODS-South Field

Haggard10: The Field X-ray AGN Fraction to z = 0.7 from the Chandra Multiwavelength Project and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

Haiman00: The Radiative Feedback of the First Cosmological Objects

Haiman04: Reasoning From Fossils: Learning from the Local Black Hole Population about the Evolution of Quasars

Haisch91: Flares on the sun and other stars

Haring04: On the Black Hole Mass-Bulge Mass Relation

Harris06: X-Ray Emission from Extragalactic Jets

Harris16: Star formation rates in luminous quasars at 2 $\lt$ z $\lt$ 3

Harrison12: No Clear Submillimeter Signature of Suppressed Star Formation among X-Ray Luminous Active Galactic Nuclei

Harrison16: The NuSTAR Extragalactic Surveys: The Number Counts of Active Galactic Nuclei and the Resolved Fraction of the Cosmic X-Ray Background

Harrison17: Impact of supermassive black hole growth on star formation

Harrison18: AGN outflows and feedback twenty years on

Hasinger08: Absorption properties and evolution of active galactic nuclei

Hasinger18: The DEIMOS 10K Spectroscopic Survey Catalog of the COSMOS Field

Hauser01: The Cosmic Infrared Background: Measurements and Implications

Haussler07: GEMS: Galaxy Fitting Catalogs and Testing Parametric Galaxy Fitting Codes: GALFIT and GIM2D

Heckman14: The Coevolution of Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes: Insights from Surveys of the Contemporary Universe

Helou85: Thermal infrared and nonthermal radio : remarkable correlation in disks of galaxies.

Hernandez15: X-ray spectral variability of Seyfert 2 galaxies

Hewett03: The Frequency and Radio Properties of Broad Absorption Line Quasars

Hickox06: Absolute Measurement of the Unresolved Cosmic X-Ray Background in the 0.5-8 keV Band with Chandra

Hickox09: Host Galaxies, Clustering, Eddington Ratios, and Evolution of Radio, X-Ray, and Infrared-Selected AGNs

Hickox14: Black Hole Variability and the Star Formation-Active Galactic Nucleus Connection: Do All Star-forming Galaxies Host an Active Galactic Nucleus?

Hickox18: Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei

Hinshaw13: Nine-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Cosmological Parameter Results

Ho07: The CO Tully-Fisher Relation and Implications for the Host Galaxies of High-Redshift Quasars

Hodge13: An ALMA Survey of Submillimeter Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: Source Catalog and Multiplicity

Hodge16: Kiloparsec-scale Dust Disks in High-redshift Luminous Submillimeter Galaxies

Holzer70: The Theory of Stellar Winds and Related Flows

Hong04: New Spectral Classification Technique for X-Ray Sources: Quantile Analysis

Honig19: Redefining the Torus: A Unifying View of AGNs in the Infrared and Submillimeter

Hopkins04: On the Evolution of Star-forming Galaxies

Hopkins04b: Dust Reddening in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasars

Hopkins05: Black Holes in Galaxy Mergers: Evolution of Quasars

Hopkins06: A Unified, Merger-driven Model of the Origin of Starbursts, Quasars, the Cosmic X-Ray Background, Supermassive Black Holes, and Galaxy Spheroids

Hopkins07: An Observational Determination of the Bolometric Quasar Luminosity Function

Hopkins08: A Cosmological Framework for the Co-Evolution of Quasars, Supermassive Black Holes, and Elliptical Galaxies. I. Galaxy Mergers and Quasar Activity

Hopkins09: Quasars Are Not Light Bulbs: Testing Models of Quasar Lifetimes with the Observed Eddington Ratio Distribution

Hopkins09b: A Characteristic Division Between the Fueling of Quasars and Seyferts: Five Simple Tests

Hopkins09c: Dissipation and Extra Light in Galactic Nuclei. III. ``Core'' Ellipticals and ``Missing'' Light

Hopkins09d: How do Disks Survive Mergers?

Hopkins12: The origins of active galactic nuclei obscuration: the 'torus' as a dynamical, unstable driver of accretion

Hopkins12b: Dynamical delays between starburst and AGN activity in galaxy nuclei

Hopkins22: Why do black holes trace bulges (\& central surface densities), instead of galaxies as a whole?

Hopkins_a06: On the Normalization of the Cosmic Star Formation History

Horst06: The small dispersion of the mid IR - hard X-ray correlation in active galactic nuclei

Hsu14: CANDELS/GOODS-S, CDFS, and ECDFS: Photometric Redshifts for Normal and X-Ray-Detected Galaxies

Huertas_company15: A Catalog of Visual-like Morphologies in the 5 CANDELS Fields Using Deep Learning

Huertas_company15b: The Morphologies of Massive Galaxies from z \~{} 3{\mdash}Witnessing the Two Channels of Bulge Growth

Huertas_company16: Mass assembly and morphological transformations since z {$sim$} 3 from CANDELS

Huertas_company18: Deep Learning Identifies High-z Galaxies in a Central Blue Nugget Phase in a Characteristic Mass Range

Hurley17: HELP: XID+, the probabilistic de-blender for Herschel SPIRE maps

Ichikawa12: Mid- and Far-infrared Properties of a Complete Sample of Local Active Galactic Nuclei

Ilbert09: Cosmos Photometric Redshifts with 30-Bands for 2-deg$^{2}$

Ilbert10: Galaxy Stellar Mass Assembly Between 0.2 $\lt$ z $\lt$ 2 from the S-COSMOS Survey

Ilbert13: Mass assembly in quiescent and star-forming galaxies since z $\sim$ 4 from UltraVISTA

Inoue14: An updated analytic model for attenuation by the intergalactic medium

Ivezic19: LSST: From Science Drivers to Reference Design and Anticipated Data Products

Ivison07: The SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey - III. Identification of radio and mid-infrared counterparts to submillimetre galaxies

Iwasawa12: The XMM deep survey in the CDF-S. II. A 9-20 keV selection of heavily obscured active galaxies at z {\gt} 1.7

Iwasawa15: The XMM deep survey in the CDF-S. VIII. X-ray properties of the two brightest sources

Iyer19: Nonparametric Star Formation History Reconstruction with Gaussian Processes. I. Counting Major Episodes of Star Formation

Izumi16: Do Circumnuclear Dense Gas Disks Drive Mass Accretion onto Supermassive Black Holes?

Jahnke09: Massive Galaxies in COSMOS: Evolution of Black Hole Versus Bulge Mass but not Versus Total Stellar Mass Over the Last 9 Gyr?

Jahnke11: The Non-causal Origin of the Black-hole-galaxy Scaling Relations

Jiang11: The Host Galaxies of Low-mass Black Holes

Jiang11a: Black Hole Mass and Bulge Luminosity for Low-mass Black Holes

Jin12: A combined optical and X-ray study of unobscured type 1 active galactic nuclei - III. Broad-band SED properties

Jin17: Super-Eddington QSO RX J0439.6-5311 - II. Multiwavelength constraints on the global structure of the accretion flow

Jin18: {\textquotedblleft}Super-deblended{\textquotedblright} Dust Emission in Galaxies. II. Far-IR to (Sub)millimeter Photometry and High-redshift Galaxy Candidates in the Full COSMOS Field

Johnson02: pplied multivariate statistical analysi

Jones16: The Intrinsic Eddington Ratio Distribution of Active Galactic Nuclei in Star-forming Galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

Jones17: The global dust modelling framework THEMIS

Juneau13: Widespread and Hidden Active Galactic Nuclei in Star-forming Galaxies at Redshift $\gt$0.3

Just07: The X-Ray Properties of the Most Luminous Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

Kara13a: The closest look at 1H0707-495: X-ray reverberation lags with 1.3 Ms of data

Kara13b: Discovery of high-frequency iron K lags in Ark 564 and Mrk 335

Kara16: Relativistic reverberation in the accretion flow of a tidal disruption event

Karhunen14: Low-redshift quasars in the SDSS Stripe 82. The local environments

Kartaltepe15: CANDELS Visual Classifications: Scheme, Data Release, and First Results

Kashikawa07: The Habitat Segregation between Lyman Break Galaxies and Ly{$\alpha$} Emitters around a QSO at z \~{} 5

Kauffmann03: The host galaxies of active galactic nuclei

Kauffmann04: The environmental dependence of the relations between stellar mass, structure, star formation and nuclear activity in galaxies

Kauffmann20: Simulating JWST deep extragalactic imaging surveys and physical parameter recovery

Kauffmann96: Detection of strong evolution in the population of early-type galaxies

Kaviraj12: Galaxy Zoo: dust and molecular gas in early-type galaxies with prominent dust lanes

Kawakatu08: Coevolution of Supermassive Black Holes and Circumnuclear Disks

Keenan10: An Extremely Deep, Wide-Field Near-Infrared Survey: Bright Galaxy Counts and Local Large Scale Structure

Kellermann89: VLA Observations of Objects in the Palomar Bright Quasar Survey

Kelly07: Some Aspects of Measurement Error in Linear Regression of Astronomical Data

Kelly10: Constraints on Black Hole Growth, Quasar Lifetimes, and Eddington Ratio Distributions from the SDSS Broad-line Quasar Black Hole Mass Function

Kelvin14: Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): stellar mass functions by Hubble type

Kendrew15: The Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope, IV: The Low-Resolution Spectrometer

Kennicutt12: Star Formation in the Milky Way and Nearby Galaxies

Kennicutt98: The Global Schmidt Law in Star-forming Galaxies

Keres05: How do galaxies get their gas?

Kewley13: The Cosmic BPT Diagram: Confronting Theory with Observations

Kewley15: A Rise in the Ionizing Photons in Star-forming Galaxies over the Past 8 Billion Years

Kim07: Chandra Multiwavelength Project X-Ray Point Source Catalog

Kim13: X-Ray Scaling Relation in Early-type Galaxies: Dark Matter as a Primary Factor in Retaining Hot Gas

Kim15: pcor: an R package for a fast calculation to semi-partial correlation coefficient

King15: Powerful Outflows and Feedback from Active Galactic Nuclei

King15b: AGN flickering and chaotic accretion

Kirkpatrick12: GOODS-Herschel: Impact of Active Galactic Nuclei and Star Formation Activity on Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions at High Redshift

Kirkpatrick15: The Role of Star Formation and an AGN in Dust Heating of z = 0.3-2.8 Galaxies. I. Evolution with Redshift and Luminosity

Kirkpatrick17: The AGN-Star Formation Connection: Future Prospects with JWST

Kirkpatrick19: CO Emission in Infrared-selected Active Galactic Nuclei

Klaassen21: MIRISIM: a simulator for the Mid-Infrared Instrument on JWST

Knobel09: An Optical Group Catalog to z = 1 from the zCOSMOS 10 k Sample

Knobel12: The zCOSMOS 20k Group Catalog

Kocevski12: CANDELS: Constraining the AGN-Merger Connection with Host Morphologies at z \~{} 2

Kocevski15: Are Compton-thick AGNs the Missing Link between Mergers and Black Hole Growth?

Kocevski17: CANDELS: Elevated Black Hole Growth in the Progenitors of Compact Quiescent Galaxies at z {$sim$} 2

Kocevski18: X-UDS: The Chandra Legacy Survey of the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey Field

Koekemoer07: The COSMOS Survey: Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys Observations and Data Processing

Koekemoer11: CANDELS: The Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey{\mdash}The Hubble Space Telescope Observations, Imaging Data Products, and Mosaics

Komatsu11: Seven-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Cosmological Interpretation

Komossa15: Tidal disruption of stars by supermassive black holes: Status of observations

Koratkar99: The Ultraviolet and Optical Continuum Emission in Active Galactic Nuclei: The Status of Accretion Disks

Kormendy13: Coevolution (Or Not) of Supermassive Black Holes and Host Galaxies

Kormendy95: Inward Bound---The Search For Supermassive Black Holes In Galactic Nuclei

Koshida14: Reverberation Measurements of the Inner Radius of the Dust Torus in 17 Seyfert Galaxies

Koss11: Host Galaxy Properties of the Swift Bat Ultra Hard X-Ray Selected Active Galactic Nucleus

Koss16: A New Population of Compton-thick AGNs Identified Using the Spectral Curvature above 10 keV

Koulouridis14: X-ray AGN in the XMM-LSS galaxy clusters: no evidence of AGN suppression

Koutoulidis13: Clustering, bias and the accretion mode of X-ray-selected AGN

Kravtsov12: Formation of Galaxy Clusters

Kriek08: A Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Survey of K-selected Galaxies at z \~{} 2.3: Redshifts and Implications for Broadband Photometric Studies

Krishnamoorthy04: more powerful test for comparing two Poisson mean

Krolik01: Systematic Errors in the Estimation of Black Hole Masses by Reverberation Mapping

Krolik88: Molecular Tori in Seyfert Galaxies: Feeding the Monster and Hiding It

Krolik95: Observable Properties of X-Ray--heated Winds in Active Galactic Nuclei: Warm Reflectors and Warm Absorbers

Kron80: Photometry of a complete sample of faint galaxies.

Kroupa13: The Stellar and Sub-Stellar Initial Mass Function of Simple and Composite Populations

Krumpe15: Chandra survey in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Deep Field - I. X-ray data, point-like source catalogue, sensitivity maps, and number counts

Kurk13: GMASS ultradeep spectroscopy of galaxies at z \~{} 2. VII. Sample selection and spectroscopy

Lacy07: Optical Spectroscopy and X-Ray Detections of a Sample of Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei Selected in the Mid-Infrared from Two Spitzer Space Telescope Wide-Area Surveys

Lacy20: The Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array Sky Survey (VLASS). Science Case and Survey Design

Laidler07: TFIT: A Photometry Package Using Prior Information for Mixed-Resolution Data Sets

Laigle16: The COSMOS2015 Catalog: Exploring the 1 $\lt$ z $\lt$ 6 Universe with Half a Million Galaxies

Laigle18: COSMOS2015 photometric redshifts probe the impact of filaments on galaxy properties

Lamassa13: Finding rare AGN: XMM-Newton and Chandra observations of SDSS Stripe 82

Lamassa15: The Discovery of the First {\ldquo}Changing Look{\rdquo} Quasar: New Insights Into the Physics and Phenomenology of Active Galactic Nucleus

Lamassa16: The 31 Deg$^{2}$ Release of the Stripe 82 X-Ray Survey: The Point Source Catalog

Lamastra09: The bolometric luminosity of type 2 AGN from extinction-corrected [OIII]. No evidence of Eddington-limited sources

Lambrides20: A Large Population of Obscured AGN in Disguise as Low Luminosity AGN in Chandra Deep Field South

Lamperti20: The CO(3-2)/CO(1-0) Luminosity Line Ratio in Nearby Star-forming Galaxies and Active Galactic Nuclei from xCOLD GASS, BASS, and SLUGS

Lanzuisi14: Active Galactic Nucleus X-Ray Variability in the XMM-COSMOS Survey

Lanzuisi17: Active galactic nuclei vs. host galaxy properties in the COSMOS field

Lanzuisi18: The Chandra COSMOS Legacy Survey: Compton thick AGN at high redshift

Laor08: On the origin of radio emission in radio-quiet quasars

Lasker08: The Second-Generation Guide Star Catalog: Description and Properties

Lauer07: Selection Bias in Observing the Cosmological Evolution of the M$_{\dot}$-{$\sigma$} and M$_{\dot}$-L Relationships

Lauer07b: The Masses of Nuclear Black Holes in Luminous Elliptical Galaxies and Implications for the Space Density of the Most Massive Black Holes

Lawrence07: The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS)

Lawrence18: Quasar viscosity crisis

Leauthaud07: Weak Gravitational Lensing with COSMOS: Galaxy Selection and Shape Measurements

Leauthaud15: The dark matter haloes of moderate luminosity X-ray AGN as determined from weak gravitational lensing and host stellar masses

Lefevre13: The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey final data release: a spectroscopic sample of 35 016 galaxies and AGN out to z \~{} 6.7 selected with 17.5 {\le} i$_{AB}$ {\le} 24.75

Lehmer05: The Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: Chandra Point-Source Catalogs

Lehmer09: The Chandra Deep Protocluster Survey: Evidence for an Enhancement of AGN Activity in the SSA22 Protocluster at z = 3.09

Lehmer10: A Chandra Perspective on Galaxy-wide X-ray Binary Emission and its Correlation with Star Formation Rate and Stellar Mass: New Results from Luminous Infrared Galaxies

Lehmer13: Concurrent Supermassive Black Hole and Galaxy Growth: Linking Environment and Nuclear Activity in z = 2.23 H{$\alpha$} Emitters

Lehmer16: The Evolution of Normal Galaxy X-Ray Emission through Cosmic History: Constraints from the 6 MS Chandra Deep Field-South

Lehmer17: On the Spatially Resolved Star Formation History in M51. II. X-Ray Binary Population Evolution

Lehmer19: X-Ray Binary Luminosity Function Scaling Relations for Local Galaxies Based on Subgalactic Modeling

Lehmer20: X-Ray Binary Luminosity Function Scaling Relations in Elliptical Galaxies: Evidence for Globular Cluster Seeding of Low-mass X-Ray Binaries in Galactic Fields

Lehmer21: The Metallicity Dependence of the High-mass X-Ray Binary Luminosity Function

Leitherer02: Global Far-Ultraviolet (912-1800 {\r{A}}) Properties of Star-forming Galaxies

Leja19: How to Measure Galaxy Star Formation Histories. II. Nonparametric Models

Leja19b: A New Census of the 0.2 \< z \< 3.0 Universe, Part I: The Stellar Mass Function

Li06: The clustering of narrow-line AGN in the local Universe

Li12: Cosmological Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes. II. Evidence for Downsizing of Spin Evolution

Li19: Piercing through Highly Obscured and Compton-thick AGNs in the Chandra Deep Fields. I. X-Ray Spectral and Long-term Variability Analyses

Li20: Piercing through Highly Obscured and Compton-thick AGNs in the Chandra Deep Fields. II. Are Highly Obscured AGNs the Missing Link in the Merger-triggered AGN-Galaxy Coevolution Models?

Licquia15: Improved Estimates of the Milky Way's Stellar Mass and Star Formation Rate from Hierarchical Bayesian Meta-Analysis

Lietzen09: Environments of nearby quasars in Sloan Digital Sky Survey

Ligo17: GW170817: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Neutron Star Inspiral

Lilly07: zCOSMOS: A Large VLT/VIMOS Redshift Survey Covering 0 $\lt$ z $\lt$ 3 in the COSMOS Field

Lilly09: The zCOSMOS 10k-Bright Spectroscopic Sample

Lin10: Where do Wet, Dry, and Mixed Galaxy Mergers Occur? A Study of the Environments of Close Galaxy Pairs in the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey

Linden10: The Effect of Starburst Metallicity on Bright X-ray Binary Formation Pathways

Liu14: Are X-Ray Emitting Coronae around Supermassive Black Holes Outflowing?

Liu17: X-Ray Spectral Analyses of AGNs from the 7Ms Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: The Distribution, Variability, and Evolutions of AGN Obscuration

Lodders03: Solar System Abundances and Condensation Temperatures of the Elements

Lodders10: Solar System Abundances of the Elements

Longhetti09: Stellar mass estimates in early-type galaxies: procedures, uncertainties and models dependence

Lopes17: NoSOCS in SDSS - VI. The environmental dependence of AGN in clusters and field in the local Universe

Lopez_gonzaga14: Revealing the large nuclear dust structures in NGC 1068 with MIDI/VLTI

Loredo04: Accounting for Source Uncertainties in Analyses of Astronomical Survey Data

Lsst09: LSST Science Book, Version 2.0

Lucy74: An iterative technique for the rectification of observed distributions

Luo08: The Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: 2 Ms Source Catalogs

Luo10: Identifications and Photometric Redshifts of the 2 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South Sources

Luo14: Weak Hard X-Ray Emission from Broad Absorption Line Quasars: Evidence for Intrinsic X-Ray Weakness

Luo17: The Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: 7 Ms Source Catalogs

Lupton04: Preparing Red-Green-Blue Images from CCD Data

Lusso10: The X-ray to optical-UV luminosity ratio of X-ray selected type 1 AGN in XMM-COSMOS

Lusso11: The bolometric output and host-galaxy properties of obscured AGN in the XMM-COSMOS survey

Lusso12: Bolometric luminosities and Eddington ratios of X-ray selected active galactic nuclei in the XMM-COSMOS survey

Lusso15: The first ultraviolet quasar-stacked spectrum at z ≃ 2.4 from WFC3

Lusso17: Quasars as standard candles. I. The physical relation between disc and coronal emission

Lutz00: ISO-SWS Spectroscopy of NGC 1068

Lutz04: The relation between AGN hard X-ray emission and mid-infrared continuum from ISO spectra: Scatter and unification aspects

Lutz08: Star Formation in the Hosts of High-z QSOs: Evidence from Spitzer PAH Detections

Lutz11: PACS Evolutionary Probe (PEP) - A Herschel key program

Lyu18: Polar Dust, Nuclear Obscuration, and IR SED Diversity in Type-1 AGNs

Lyu22: AGN Selection and Demographics in GOODS-S/HUDF from X-Ray to Radio

Lyu22b: Infrared Spectral Energy Distribution and Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei: Clues to the Structure of Circumnuclear Material

Maccacaro88: The X-ray spectra of the extragalactic sources in the Einstein extended medium sensitivity survey

Macleod16: Optical Thermonuclear Transients from Tidal Compression of White Dwarfs as Tracers of the Low End of the Massive Black Hole Mass Function

Macuga18: The Fraction of Active Galactic Nuclei in the USS 1558-003 Protocluster at z = 2.53

Madau14: Cosmic Star-Formation History

Madau95: Radiative transfer in a clumpy universe: The colors of high-redshift galaxies

Magdziarz95: ngle-dependent Compton reflection of X-rays and gamma-ray

Magliocchetti20: The role of galaxy mass on AGN emission: a view from the VANDELS survey

Magnelli13: The deepest Herschel-PACS far-infrared survey: number counts and infrared luminosity functions from combined PEP/GOODS-H observations

Magorrian98: The Demography of Massive Dark Objects in Galaxy Centers

Magorrian99: Rates of tidal disruption of stars by massive central black holes

Maiolino10: ``Comets'' orbiting a black hole

Maksym14: RBS 1032: A Tidal Disruption Event in Another Dwarf Galaxy?

Malavasi16: Reconstructing the galaxy density field with photometric redshifts. I. Methodology and validation on stellar mass functions

Malek14: Properties of star forming galaxies in AKARI Deep Field-South

Manners02: The X-ray variability of high-redshift QSOs

Mantha18: Major merging history in CANDELS. I. Evolution of the incidence of massive galaxy-galaxy pairs from z = 3 to z {$sim$} 0

Manzer14: The Effects of the Local Environment on Active Galactic Nuclei

Mao12: The Australia Telescope Large Area Survey: spectroscopic catalogue and radio luminosity functions

Marchesi16: The Chandra COSMOS Legacy survey: optical/IR identifications

Marchesi16b: The Chandra COSMOS-Legacy Survey: Source X-Ray Spectral Properties

Marconi04: Local supermassive black holes, relics of active galactic nuclei and the X-ray background

Marinucci13: X-ray absorption variability in NGC 4507

Markowitz03: Long-Term X-Ray Spectral Variability in Seyfert 1 Galaxies

Markowitz03b: X-Ray Fluctuation Power Spectral Densities of Seyfert 1 Galaxies

Markowitz04: An Expanded Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Survey of X-Ray Variability in Seyfert 1 Galaxies

Markowitz14: First X-ray-based statistical tests for clumpy-torus models: eclipse events from 230 years of monitoring of Seyfert AGN

Marmol_queralto16: The evolution of the equivalent width of the H{\ensuremath{\alpha}} emission line and specific star formation rate in star-forming galaxies at 1 \< z \< 5

Marsan18: HST F160W Imaging of Very Massive Galaxies at $1.5\ltz\lt3.0$: Diversity of Structures and the Effect of Close Pairs on Number Density Estimates

Martig09: Morphological Quenching of Star Formation: Making Early-Type Galaxies Red

Martini03: Multiepoch Sky Surveys and the Lifetime of Quasars

Martini04: QSO Lifetimes

Martini07: The Distribution of Active Galactic Nuclei in Clusters of Galaxies

Martini09: The Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei in Clusters of Galaxies to Redshift 1.3

Martini13: The Cluster and Field Galaxy Active Galactic Nucleus Fraction at z = 1-1.5: Evidence for a Reversal of the Local Anticorrelation between Environment and AGN Fraction

Martis16: The Evolution of the Fractions of Quiescent and Star-forming Galaxies as a Function of Stellar Mass Since z = 3: Increasing Importance of Massive, Dusty Star-forming Galaxies in the Early Universe

Marulli08: Modelling the cosmological co-evolution of supermassive black holes and galaxies - I. BH scaling relations and the AGN luminosity function

Mashnik00: On Solar System and Cosmic Rays Nucleosynthesis and Spallation Processes

Mason09: The Origin of the Silicate Emission Features in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 2110

Mathews03: Hot Gas in and around Elliptical Galaxies

Matsuoka14: Massive Star-forming Host Galaxies of Quasars on Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82

Matt03: Changing look: from Compton-thick to Compton-thin, or the rebirth of fossil active galactic nuclei

Matt11: Extreme warm absorber variability in the Seyfert galaxy Mrk 704

Mazzucchelli17: No Overdensity of Lyman-Alpha Emitting Galaxies around a Quasar at z {$sim$} 5.7

Mc_namara07: Heating Hot Atmospheres with Active Galactic Nuclei

Mcalpine16: The EAGLE simulations of galaxy formation: Public release of halo and galaxy catalogues

Mcclintock06: Black hole binaries

Mccracken12: UltraVISTA: a new ultra-deep near-infrared survey in COSMOS

Mcgreer13: The z = 5 Quasar Luminosity Function from SDSS Stripe 82

Mchardy04: Combined long and short time-scale X-ray variability of NGC 4051 with RXTE and XMM-Newton

Mchardy06: Active galactic nuclei as scaled-up Galactic black holes

Mchardy10: X-Ray Variability of AGN and Relationship to Galactic Black Hole Binary Systems

Mcmullin07: CASA Architecture and Applications

Mechtley16: Do the Most Massive Black Holes at z = 2 Grow via Major Mergers?

Meiksin06: Colour corrections for high-redshift objects due to intergalactic attenuation

Melia07: The Galactic Supermassive Black Hole

Melvin14: Galaxy Zoo: an independent look at the evolution of the bar fraction over the last eight billion years from HST-COSMOS

Menci08: The Blast Wave Model for AGN Feedback: Effects on AGN Obscuration

Mendez13: PRIMUS: Infrared and X-Ray AGN Selection Techniques at 0.2 < z < 1.2

Mendez16: PRIMUS + DEEP2: Clustering of X-Ray, Radio, and IR-AGNs at z\~{}0.7

Meneux09: The zCOSMOS survey. The dependence of clustering on luminosity and stellar mass at z=0.2-1

Merlin15: T-PHOT: A new code for PSF-matched, prior-based, multiwavelength extragalactic deconfusion photometry

Merloni03: A Fundamental Plane of black hole activity

Merloni10: On the Cosmic Evolution of the Scaling Relations Between Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies: Broad-Line Active Galactic Nuclei in the zCOSMOS Survey

Merloni12: eROSITA Science Book: Mapping the Structure of the Energetic Universe

Merloni13: Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei

Merloni14: The incidence of obscuration in active galactic nuclei

Messias12: A New Infrared Color Criterion for the Selection of z=1-7 AGNs: Application to Deep Fields and Implications for JWST Surveys

Mewe86: Calculated X-radiation from optically thin plasmas. VI - Improved calculations for continuum emission and approximation formulae for nonrelativistic average Gaunt actors.

Meyer04: The HIPASS catalogue - I. Data presentation

Mezcua16: A Population of Intermediate-mass Black Holes in Dwarf Starburst Galaxies Up to Redshift=1.5

Mezcua18: Intermediate-mass black holes in dwarf galaxies out to redshift {\tilde}2.4 in the Chandra COSMOS-Legacy Survey

Mignoli05: The K20 survey. VII. The spectroscopic catalogue: Spectral properties and evolution of the galaxy population

Miller03: The Environment of Active Galactic Nuclei in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

Miller07: Relativistic X-Ray Lines from the Inner Accretion Disks Around Black Holes

Miller11: X-ray Emission from Optically Selected Radio-intermediate and Radio-loud Quasars

Miller15: X-Ray Constraints on the Local Supermassive Black Hole Occupation Fraction

Miller90: The bimodal radio luminosity function of quasars.

Milosavljevic06: Contribution of Stellar Tidal Disruptions to the X-Ray Luminosity Function of Active Galaxies

Mineo12: X-ray emission from star-forming galaxies - II. Hot interstellarmedium

Miniutti12: Insights on the X-ray weak quasar phenomenon from XMM-Newton monitoring of PHL 1092

Miyaji11: The Spatial Clustering of ROSAT All-sky Survey AGNs. II. Halo Occupation Distribution Modeling of the Cross-correlation Function

Mo98: The formation of galactic discs

Mobasher07: Photometric Redshifts of Galaxies in COSMOS

Moffett16: Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the stellar mass budget by galaxy type

Momcheva16: The 3D-HST Survey: Hubble Space Telescope WFC3/G141 Grism Spectra, Redshifts, and Emission Line Measurements for \raisebox{-0.5ex}\textasciitilde 100,000 Galaxies

Moore98: Morphological Transformation from Galaxy Harassment

Morganson15: The Time Domain Spectroscopic Survey: Variable Selection and Anticipated Results

Morrison10: Very Large Array 1.4 GHz Observations of the GOODS-North Field: Data Reduction and Analysis

Morrison83: Interstellar photoelectric absorption cross sections, 0.03-10 keV

Morselli14: Primordial environment of super massive black holes: large-scale galaxy overdensities around z \~{} 6 quasars with LBT

Mortlock13: The redshift and mass dependence on the formation of the Hubble sequence at z $\gt$ 1 from CANDELS/UDS

Moshir90: The IRAS Faint Source Catalog, Version 2

Motta09: The evolution of the high-energy cut-off in the X-ray spectrum of GX 339-4 across a hard-to-soft transition

Mountrichas21: X-ray flux in SED modelling: An application of X-CIGALE in the XMM-XXL field

Mountrichas21b: The role of AGN and obscuration in the position of the host galaxy relative to the main sequence

Mountrichas21c: Galaxy properties of type 1 and 2 X-ray selected AGN and a comparison among different classification criteria

Mukai93: PIMMS and Viewing: proposal preparation tools

Mullaney12: The Hidden ''AGN Main Sequence'': Evidence for a Universal Black Hole Accretion to Star Formation Rate Ratio since z \~{} 2 Producing an M $_{BH}$-M $_{*}$ Relation

Mullaney12b: GOODS-Herschel: the far-infrared view of star formation in active galactic nucleus host galaxies since z {\ap} 3

Mullaney15: The NuSTAR Extragalactic Surveys: Initial Results and Catalog from the Extended Chandra Deep Field South

Mundy17: A consistent measure of the merger histories of massive galaxies using close-pair statistics - I. Major mergers at z $\lt$ 3.5

Murphy09: An X-ray spectral model for Compton-thick toroidal reprocessors

Murray05: On the Maximum Luminosity of Galaxies and Their Central Black Holes: Feedback from Momentum-driven Winds

Murtaugh14: n defense of P value

Mushotzky04: How are AGN Found?

Muzzin13: A Public K$_{s}$ -selected Catalog in the COSMOS/ULTRAVISTA Field: Photometry, Photometric Redshifts, and Stellar Population Parameters

Nandra07: An XMM-Newton survey of broad iron lines in Seyfert galaxies

Nandra13: The Hot and Energetic Universe: A White Paper presenting the science theme motivating the Athena+ mission

Nandra15: AEGIS-X: Deep Chandra Imaging of the Central Groth Strip

Nandra94: GINGA Observations of the X-Ray Spectra of Seyfert Galaxies

Nandra97: ASCA Observations of Seyfert 1 Galaxies. I. Data Analysis, Imaging, and Timing

Nardini11: The effects of X-ray absorption variability in NGC 4395

Nayyeri17: CANDELS Multi-wavelength Catalogs: Source Identification and Photometry in the CANDELS COSMOS Survey Field

Nelson19: The IllustrisTNG simulations: public data release

Nenkova08: AGN Dusty Tori. II. Observational Implications of Clumpiness

Netzer13: The Physics and Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei

Netzer15: Revisiting the Unified Model of Active Galactic Nuclei

Netzer16: Star Formation Black Hole Growth and Dusty Tori in the Most Luminous AGNs at z=2-3.5

Netzer87: Quasar discs. II - A composite model for the broad-line region

Newman13: The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: Design, Observations, Data Reduction, and Redshifts

Nguyen16: Improved Dynamical Constraints on the Mass of the central Black Hole in NGC 404

Ni19: Does black hole growth depend fundamentally on host-galaxy compactness?

Ni21: Revealing the relation between black hole growth and host-galaxy compactness among star-forming galaxies

Ni21b: The XMM-SERVS survey: XMM-Newton point-source catalogs for the W-CDF-S and ELAIS-S1 fields

Nikutta09: On the 10 {\ensuremath{\mu}}m Silicate Feature in Active Galactic Nuclei

Noll09: Analysis of galaxy spectral energy distributions from far-UV to far-IR with CIGALE: studying a SINGS test sample

Norman88: The Evolution of Starburst Galaxies to Active Galactic Nuclei

Novak11: Feedback from Central Black Holes in Elliptical Galaxies: Two-dimensional Models Compared to One-dimensional Models

Odell17: Modeling contamination migration on the Chandra X-ray Observatory IV

Oesch16: A Remarkably Luminous Galaxy at z=11.1 Measured with Hubble Space Telescope Grism Spectroscopy

Ogasaka97: ASCA Observations of Two Ultraluminous IRAS Galaxies: IRAS 15307+3252 and IRAS 20460+1925

Oh18: The 105-Month Swift-BAT All-sky Hard X-Ray Survey

Oke83: Secondary standard stars for absolute spectrophotometry.

Oliver12: The Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey: HerMES

Omeara13: The HST/ACS+WFC3 Survey for Lyman Limit Systems. II. Science

Ouchi09: Large Area Survey for z = 7 Galaxies in SDF and GOODS-N: Implications for Galaxy Formation and Cosmic Reionization

Overzier16: The realm of the galaxy protoclusters. A review

Padovani16: The faint radio sky: radio astronomy becomes mainstream

Padovani17: Active galactic nuclei: what's in a name?

Padovani93: Stellar Mass Loss in Elliptical Galaxies and the Fueling of Active Galactic Nuclei

Page12: The suppression of star formation by powerful active galactic nuclei

Pan16: The quenched mass portion of star-forming galaxies and the origin of the star formation sequence slope

Panessa19: The origin of radio emission from radio-quiet active galactic nuclei

Paolillo04: Prevalence of X-Ray Variability in the Chandra Deep Field-South

Paolillo17: Tracing the accretion history of supermassive black holes through X-ray variability: results from the ChandraDeep Field-South

Papadakis04: The scaling of the X-ray variability with black hole mass in active galactic nuclei

Papadakis08: The long-term X-ray variability properties of AGNs in the Lockman Hole region

Papovich04: The 24 Micron Source Counts in Deep Spitzer Space Telescope Surveys

Papovich05: The Assembly of Diversity in the Morphologies and Stellar Populations of High-Redshift Galaxies

Papovich07: Spitzer Mid- to Far-Infrared Flux Densities of Distant Galaxies

Paris18: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog: Fourteenth data release

Park06: Bayesian Estimation of Hardness Ratios: Modeling and Computations

Peng07: How Mergers May Affect the Mass Scaling Relation between Gravitationally Bound Systems

Peng10: Mass and Environment as Drivers of Galaxy Evolution in SDSS and zCOSMOS and the Origin of the Schechter Function

Peterson01: Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei

Peterson14: easuring the Masses of Supermassive Black Hole

Pickles98: A Stellar Spectral Flux Library: 1150-25000 {\AA}

Pier92: Infrared Spectra of Obscuring Dust Tori around Active Galactic Nuclei. I. Calculational Method and Basic Trends

Pier93: Infrared Spectra of Obscuring Dust Tori around Active Galactic Nuclei. II. Comparison with Observations

Pierce10: Host galaxy colour gradients and accretion disc obscuration in AEGIS z \~{} 1 X-ray-selected active galactic nuclei

Pierre16: The XXL Survey. I. Scientific motivations - XMM-Newton observing plan - Follow-up observations and simulation programme

Pillepich18: Simulating galaxy formation with the IllustrisTNG model

Pirzkal12: A Link to the Past: Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Fitting to Constrain Fundamental Parameters of High-redshift Galaxies

Poggianti16: Jellyfish Galaxy Candidates at Low Redshift

Poggianti17: Ram-pressure feeding of supermassive black holes

Ponti11: CAIXA: a catalogue of AGN In the XMM-Newton archive III. Excess variance analysis

Ponti12: CAIXA: a catalogue of AGN in the XMM-Newton archive. III. Excess variance analysis

Pooley18: GW170817 Most Likely Made a Black Hole

Popesso09: The great observatories origins deep survey. VLT/VIMOS spectroscopy in the GOODS-south field

Popping12: An indirect measurement of gas evolution in galaxies at 0.5 $\lt$ z $\lt$ 2.0

Pouliasis20: An obscured AGN population hidden in the VIPERS galaxies: identification through spectral energy distribution decomposition

Powell18: The Swift/BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey. IX. The Clustering Environments of an Unbiased Sample of Local AGNs

Prandoni06: The ATESP 5 GHz radio survey. I. Source counts and spectral index properties of the faint radio population

Predehl21: The eROSITA X-ray telescope on SRG

Prevot84: The typical interstellar extinction in the Small Magellanic Cloud

Pu20: On the Fraction of X-Ray-weak Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

Puccetti14: The Variable Hard X-Ray Emission of NGC 4945 as Observed by NuSTAR

Puccetti16: Hard X-ray emission of the luminous infrared galaxy NGC 6240 as observed by NuSTAR

Pye15: A survey of stellar X-ray flares from the XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue: HIPPARCOS-Tycho cool stars

Quataert04: A Dynamical Model for Hot Gas in the Galactic Center

Radcliffe21: The radio emission from active galactic nuclei

Rafferty11: Supermassive Black Hole Growth in Starburst Galaxies over Cosmic Time: Constraints from the Deepest Chandra Fields

Ramos22: The viewing angle in AGN SED models: a data-driven analysis

Ranalli03: The 2-10 keV luminosity as a Star Formation Rate indicator

Ranalli13: The XMM deep survey in the CDF-S. III. Point source catalogue and number counts in the hard X-rays

Randall12: Spectral index properties of milliJansky radio sources

Ravikumar07: New spectroscopic redshifts from the CDFS and a test of the cosmological relevance of the GOODS-South field

Reddick13: The Connection between Galaxies and Dark Matter Structures in the Local Universe

Reddy06: A Spectroscopic Survey of Redshift 1.4{\lt}\~{}z{\lt}\~{}3.0 Galaxies in the GOODS-North Field: Survey Description, Catalogs, and Properties

Rees77: Cooling, dynamics and fragmentation of massive gas clouds - Clues to the masses and radii of galaxies and clusters

Rees88: Tidal disruption of stars by black holes of {}10$^{6}$-{}10$^{8}$ solar masses in nearby galaxies

Reines15: Relations between Central Black Hole Mass and Total Galaxy Stellar Mass in the Local Universe

Ricci15: Compton-thick Accretion in the Local Universe

Ricci16: IC 751: A New Changing Look AGN Discovered by NuSTAR

Ricci17: BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey. V. X-Ray Properties of the Swift/BAT 70-month AGN Catalog

Ricci18: BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey - XII. The relation between coronal properties of active galactic nuclei and the Eddington ratio

Richards02: pectroscopic target selection in the sloan digital sky survey: The quasar sampl

Richards03: Red and Reddened Quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

Richards09: Efficient Photometric Selection of Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. II. \~{}1,000,000 Quasars from Data Release 6

Richardson13: The Halo Occupation Distribution of X-Ray-bright Active Galactic Nuclei: A Comparison with Luminous Quasars

Rieke07: Infrared Detector Arrays for Astronomy

Rieke15: The Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope, I: Introduction

Rieke15b: The Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope, VII: The MIRI Detectors

Rieke19: JWST/MIRI Surveys in GOODS-S

Rigby22: Characterization of JWST science performance from commissioning

Risaliti02: Ubiquitous Variability of X-Ray-absorbing Column Densities in Seyfert 2 Galaxies

Risaliti05: Rapid Compton-thick/Compton-thin Transitions in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 1365

Risaliti07: Occultation Measurement of the Size of the X-Ray-emitting Region in the Active Galactic Nucleus of NGC 1365

Risaliti10: Chandra monitoring of UGC 4203: the structure of the X-ray absorber

Rix04: GEMS: Galaxy Evolution from Morphologies and SEDs

Roberts78: Twenty-one centimeter line widths of galaxies.

Robertson15: Cosmic Reionization and Early Star-forming Galaxies: A Joint Analysis of New Constraints from Planck and the Hubble Space Telescope

Rodighiero14: A multiwavelength consensus on the main sequence of star-forming galaxies at z {\tilde} 2

Rodighiero15: Relationship between Star Formation Rate and Black Hole Accretion At Z = 2: the Different Contributions in Quiescent, Normal, and Starburst Galaxies

Rodriguez15: The merger rate of galaxies in the Illustris simulation: a comparison with observations and semi-empirical models

Rodriguez_gomez16: The stellar mass assembly of galaxies in the Illustris simulation: growth by mergers and the spatial distribution of accreted stars

Roehlly14: Pcigale: Porting Code Investigating Galaxy Emission to Python

Romero_canizales17: Unveiling the AGN in IC 883: discovery of a parsec-scale radio jet

Rosario12: The mean star formation rate of X-ray selected active galaxies and its evolution from z \~{} 2.5: results from PEP-Herschel

Rosario13: Nuclear Activity is More Prevalent in Star-forming Galaxies

Rosario13b: X-Ray Selected AGN Host Galaxies are Similar to Inactive Galaxies out to z = 3: Results from CANDELS/CDF-S

Rosen16: The XMM-Newton serendipitous survey. VII. The third XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue

Roth12: Three-dimensional Radiative Transfer Calculations of Radiation Feedback from Massive Black Holes: Outflow of Mass from the Dusty ''Torus''

Ruan16: The Time-Domain Spectroscopic Survey: Understanding the Optically Variable Sky with SEQUELS in SDSS-III

Runnoe16: Now you see it, now you don't: the disappearing central engine of the quasar J1011+5442

Sabater15: Triggering optical AGN: the need for cold gas, and the indirect roles of galaxy environment and interactions

Sabater19: The LoTSS view of radio AGN in the local Universe. The most massive galaxies are always switched on

Saez12: The Long-term X-Ray Variability of Broad Absorption Line Quasars

Saglia16: The SINFONI Black Hole Survey: The Black Hole Fundamental Plane Revisited and the Paths of (Co)evolution of Supermassive Black Holes and Bulges

Saintonge16: Molecular and atomic gas along and across the main sequence of star-forming galaxies

Saintonge17: xCOLD GASS: The Complete IRAM 30 m Legacy Survey of Molecular Gas for Galaxy Evolution Studies

Salaris05: volution of Stars and Stellar Population

Salim07: UV Star Formation Rates in the Local Universe

Salpeter55: The Luminosity Function and Stellar Evolution.

Salvato09: Photometric Redshift and Classification for the XMM-COSMOS Sources

Salvato11: Dissecting Photometric Redshift for Active Galactic Nucleus Using XMM- and Chandra-COSMOS Samples

Sanchez17: Near-infrared Variability of Obscured and Unobscured X-Ray-selected AGNs in the COSMOS Field

Sanders03: The IRAS Revised Bright Galaxy Sample

Sandrinelli14: The environment of low-redshift quasar pairs

Santini09: Star formation and mass assembly in high redshift galaxies

Santini14: The evolution of the dust and gas content in galaxies

Santini15: Stellar Masses from the CANDELS Survey: The GOODS-South and UDS Fields

Santini17: The Star Formation Main Sequence in the Hubble Space Telescope Frontier Fields

Santoro06: Critical Metallicity and Fine-Structure Emission of Primordial Gas Enriched by the First Stars

Santos-lleo09: The First Decade of Science with Chandra and XMM-Newton

Sartori18: A model for AGN variability on multiple time-scales

Satyapal21: The Diagnostic Potential of JWST in Characterizing Elusive AGNs

Sazonov17: The intrinsic collective X-ray spectrum of luminous high-mass X-ray binaries

Scarlata07: COSMOS Morphological Classification with the Zurich Estimator of Structural Types (ZEST) and the Evolution Since z = 1 of the Luminosity Function of Early, Disk, and Irregular Galaxies

Schartmann05: Towards a physical model of dust tori in Active Galactic Nuclei. Radiative transfer calculations for a hydrostatic torus model

Schawinski09: Do Moderate-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei Suppress Star Formation?

Schawinski11: HST WFC3/IR Observations of Active Galactic Nucleus Host Galaxies at z \~{} 2: Supermassive Black Holes Grow in Disk Galaxies

Schawinski15: Active galactic nuclei flicker: an observational estimate of the duration of black hole growth phases of {$sim$}10$^{5}$ yr

Schaye15: The EAGLE project: simulating the evolution and assembly of galaxies and their environments

Schechter76: An analytic expression for the luminosity function for galaxies.

Schindler16: Stellar and Black Hole Mass Densities as Empirical Tracers of Co-evolution Show Lock-step Growth since Z {$sim$} 3

Schinnerer10: The VLA-COSMOS Survey. IV. Deep Data and Joint Catalog

Schmidt59: The Rate of Star Formation.

Schmidt63: 3C 273 : A Star-Like Object with Large Red-Shift

Schmidt68: Space Distribution and Luminosity Functions of Quasi-Stellar Radio Sources

Schneider14: xtragalactic astronomy and cosmology: an introductio

Schramm13: The Black Hole-Bulge Mass Relation of Active Galactic Nuclei in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey

Schreiber18: Near infrared spectroscopy and star-formation histories of 3 {\ensuremath{\leq}} z {\ensuremath{\leq}} 4 quiescent galaxies

Scott15: Ultraviolet/X-ray Variability and the Extended X-ray Emission of the Radio-loud Broad Absorption Line Quasar PG 1004+130

Scoville07: Large Structures and Galaxy Evolution in COSMOS at z $\lt$ 1.1

Scoville13: Evolution of Galaxies and Their Environments at z = 0.1-3 in COSMOS

Scoville16: ISM Masses and the Star formation Law at Z = 1 to 6: ALMA Observations of Dust Continuum in 145 Galaxies in the COSMOS Survey Field

Scoville17: Evolution of Interstellar Medium, Star Formation, and Accretion at High Redshift

Sellwood13: Dynamics of Disks and Warps

Serber06: The Small-Scale Environment of Quasars

Serra11: CIGALEMC: Galaxy Parameter Estimation Using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach with CIGALE

Sersic68: Atlas de Galaxias Australes

Shakura73: Black holes in binary systems. Observational appearance.

Shang11: The Next Generation Atlas of Quasar Spectral Energy Distributions from Radio to X-Rays

Shangguan20: AGN Feedback and Star Formation of Quasar Host Galaxies: Insights from the Molecular Gas

Shankar13: Accretion-driven evolution of black holes: Eddington ratios, duty cycles and active galaxy fractions

Shankar16: Selection bias in dynamically measured supermassive black hole samples: its consequences and the quest for the most fundamental relation

Shao10: Star formation in AGN hosts in GOODS-N

Shapley15: The MOSDEF Survey: Excitation Properties of z ̃ 2.3 Star-forming Galaxies

Sharon16: A Total Molecular Gas Mass Census in Z {\tilde} 2-3 Star-forming Galaxies: Low-J CO Excitation Probes of Galaxies{\rsquo} Evolutionary States

She17: Chandra Survey of Nearby Galaxies: The Catalog

Sheldon12: Photometric Redshift Probability Distributions for Galaxies in the SDSS DR8

Shemmer08: The Hard X-Ray Spectrum as a Probe for Black Hole Growth in Radio-Quiet Active Galactic Nuclei

Shemmer14: xploratory X-Ray Monitoring of Luminous Radio-quiet Quasars at High Redshift: Initial Result

Shen07: Clustering of High-Redshift (z $\gt$= 2.9) Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

Shen09: Quasar Clustering from SDSS DR5: Dependences on Physical Properties

Shen12: The Demographics of Broad-line Quasars in the Mass-Luminosity Plane. I. Testing FWHM-based Virial Black Hole Masses

Shen13: The mass of quasars

Shen14: The diversity of quasars unified by accretion and orientation

Shen15: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: Technical Overview

Shields06: Evolution of the black hole Bulge relationship in QSOs

Shimizu15: Decreased specific star formation rates in AGN host galaxies

Shimwell17: The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey. I. Survey description and preliminary data release

Shipley16: A New Star Formation Rate Calibration from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission Features and Application to High-redshift Galaxies

Shirley19: HELP: a catalogue of 170 million objects, selected at 0.36-4.5 {\ensuremath{\mu}}m, from 1270 deg$^{2}$ of prime extragalactic fields

Shivaei17: The MOSDEF Survey: Metallicity Dependence of PAH Emission at High Redshift and Implications for 24 {\ensuremath{\mu}}m Inferred IR Luminosities and Star Formation Rates at z ̃ 2

Sijacki15: The Illustris simulation: the evolving population of black holes across cosmic time

Sikora94: Comptonization of diffuse ambient radiation by a relativistic jet: The source of gamma rays from blazars?

Silk98: Quasars and galaxy formation

Silverman08: The Evolution of AGN Host Galaxies: From Blue to Red and the Influence of Large-Scale Structures

Silverman08b: The Luminosity Function of X-Ray-selected Active Galactic Nuclei: Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes at High Redshift

Silverman09: Ongoing and Co-Evolving Star Formation in zCOSMOS Galaxies Hosting Active Galactic Nuclei

Silverman09b: The Environments of Active Galactic Nuclei within the zCOSMOS Density Field

Silverman10: The Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: Optical Spectroscopy of Faint X-ray Sources with the VLT and Keck

Simmons17: Supermassive black holes in disc-dominated galaxies outgrow their bulges and co-evolve with their host galaxies

Simoes_lopes07: A Strong Correlation between Circumnuclear Dust and Black Hole Accretion in Early-Type Galaxies

Simpson15: The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: ALMA Resolves the Rest-frame Far-infrared Emission of Sub-millimeter Galaxies

Skelton14: 3D-HST WFC3-selected Photometric Catalogs in the Five CANDELS/3D-HST Fields: Photometry, Photometric Redshifts, and Stellar Masses

Skibba14: PRIMUS: Galaxy Clustering as a Function of Luminosity and Color at 0.2 $\lt$ z $\lt$ 1

Skrutskie06: The Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS)

Smail21: An ALMA survey of the S2CLS UDS field: optically invisible submillimetre galaxies

Smith95: The Luminous Starburst Galaxy UGC 8387

Smolcic17: The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: Continuum data and source catalog release

Smolcic17b: The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: Multiwavelength counterparts and the composition of the faint radio population

Sobolewska09: The long-term X-ray spectral variability of AGN

Sofue01: Rotation Curves of Spiral Galaxies

Solomon05: Molecular Gas at High Redshift

Solomon97: The Molecular Interstellar Medium in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

Soltan82: Masses of quasars

Somerville15: Physical Models of Galaxy Formation in a Cosmological Framework

Sparre15: The star formation main sequence and stellar mass assembly of galaxies in the Illustris simulation

Speagle14: A Highly Consistent Framework for the Evolution of the Star-Forming ``Main Sequence'' from z \raisebox{-0.5ex}\textasciitilde 0-6

Spinoglio92: Infrared Line Diagnostics of Active Galactic Nuclei

Springel05: Simulations of the formation, evolution and clustering of galaxies and quasars

Stalevski12: 3D radiative transfer modelling of the dusty tori around active galactic nuclei as a clumpy two-phase medium

Stalevski16: The dust covering factor in active galactic nuclei

Stalevski17: Dissecting the active galactic nucleus in Circinus - I. Peculiar mid-IR morphology explained by a dusty hollow cone

Stalevski19: Dissecting the active galactic nucleus in Circinus - II. A thin dusty disc and a polar outflow on parsec scales

Stanley15: A remarkably flat relationship between the average star formation rate and AGN luminosity for distant X-ray AGN

Stanley17: The mean star formation rates of unobscured QSOs: searching for evidence of suppressed or enhanced star formation

Stanley18: Deep ALMA photometry of distant X-ray AGN: improvements in star formation rate constraints, and AGN identification

Stanway04a: Hubble Space Telescope Imaging and Keck Spectroscopy of z \~{} 6 i-Band Dropout Galaxies in the Advanced Camera for Surveys GOODS Fields

Stanway04b: Three Ly{$\alpha$} Emitters at z \~{} 6: Early GMOS/Gemini Data from the GLARE Project

Stark14: Ultraviolet emission lines in young low-mass galaxies at z ≃ 2: physical properties and implications for studies at z \> 7

Stark92: The Bell Laboratories H I survey

Starling13: X-ray absorption evolution in gamma-ray bursts: intergalactic medium or evolutionary signature of their host galaxies

Starling15: Highly variable AGN in the XMM-Newton Slew Survey

Stefanon17: CANDELS Multi-wavelength Catalogs: Source Identification and Photometry in the CANDELS Extended Groth Strip

Steffen06: The X-Ray-to-Optical Properties of Optically Selected Active Galaxies over Wide Luminosity and Redshift Ranges

Steidel00: Ly{$\alpha$} Imaging of a Proto-Cluster Region at $\lt$z$\gt$=3.09

Steidel16: Reconciling the Stellar and Nebular Spectra of High-redshift Galaxies

Steidel98: A Large Structure of Galaxies at Redshift Z approximately 3 and Its Cosmological Implications

Steinmetz95: On the spin parameter of dark-matter haloes

Stern05: Mid-Infrared Selection of Active Galaxies

Stern12: Type 1 AGN at low z- I. Emission properties

Stern12b: Mid-infrared Selection of Active Galactic Nuclei with the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer. I. Characterizing WISE-selected Active Galactic Nuclei in COSMOS

Stern15: The X-Ray to Mid-infrared Relation of AGNs at High Luminosity

Stevans14: HST-COS Observations of AGNs. II. Extended Survey of Ultraviolet Composite Spectra from 159 Active Galactic Nuclei

Stone17: Formation of massive black holes in galactic nuclei: runaway tidal encounters

Straatman16: The FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey (ZFOURGE): Ultraviolet to Far-infrared Catalogs, Medium-bandwidth Photometric Redshifts with Improved Accuracy, Stellar Masses, and Confirmation of Quiescent Galaxies to z ̃ 3.5

Strand08: AGN Environments in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. I. Dependence on Type, Redshift, and Luminosity

Strolger04: The Hubble Higher z Supernova Search: Supernovae to z \~{} 1.6 and Constraints on Type Ia Progenitor Models

Suh15: Eddington Ratio Distribution of X-Ray-selected Broad-line AGNs at 1.0 z 2.2

Suh17: Type 2 AGN Host Galaxies in the Chandra-COSMOS Legacy Survey: No Evidence of AGN-driven Quenching

Sun15: Evolution in the Black Hole{\mdash}Galaxy Scaling Relations and the Duty Cycle of Nuclear Activity in Star-forming Galaxies

Sunyaev85: Comptonization of low-frequency radiation in accretion disks Angular distribution and polarization of hard radiation

Symeonidis11: Herschel/HerMES: the X-ray-infrared correlation for star-forming galaxies at z{$sim$}1

Symeonidis16: AGN are cooler than you think: the intrinsic far-IR emission from QSOs

Szalay99: Simultaneous Multicolor Detection of Faint Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field

Szokoly04: The Chandra Deep Field-South: Optical Spectroscopy. I.

Tacconi13: Phibss: Molecular Gas Content and Scaling Relations in z \~{} 1-3 Massive, Main-sequence Star-forming Galaxies

Tamm12: Stellar mass map and dark matter distribution in M 31

Tanimoto19: XCLUMPY: X-Ray Spectral Model from Clumpy Torus and Its Application to the Circinus Galaxy

Targett12: The host galaxies and black hole-to-galaxy mass ratios of luminous quasars at z{\sime} 4

Taylor09: A Public, K-Selected, Optical-to-Near-Infrared Catalog of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS) from the Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC)

Taylor_mager07: Dependence of Galaxy Structure on Rest-Frame Wavelength and Galaxy Type

Thompson05: Radiation Pressure-supported Starburst Disks and Active Galactic Nucleus Fueling

Thorne20: Deep Extragalactic VIsible Legacy Survey (DEVILS): SED Fitting in the D10-COSMOS Field and the Evolution of the Stellar Mass Function and SFR-$M_\star$ relation

Thorne22: Deep Extragalactic VIsible Legacy Survey (DEVILS): identification of AGN through SED fitting and the evolution of the bolometric AGN luminosity function

Tielens08: Interstellar polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules.

Tiwari19: Radio spectral index from NVSS and TGSS

Toba21: How does the Polar Dust affect the Correlation between Dust Covering Factor and Eddington Ratio in Type 1 Quasars Selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 16?

Toba21b: The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS): A multiwavelength view of WISE mid-infrared galaxies/active galactic nuclei

Toft14: Submillimeter Galaxies as Progenitors of Compact Quiescent Galaxies

Tomczak14: Galaxy Stellar Mass Functions from ZFOURGE/CANDELS: An Excess of Low-mass Galaxies since z = 2 and the Rapid Buildup of Quiescent Galaxies

Tonry84: Evidence for a central mass concentration in M32

Topping16: Substructure within the SSA22 Protocluster at z{\ap}3.09

Tortosa18: A NuSTAR census of coronal parameters in Seyfert galaxies

Tozzi06: X-ray spectral properties of active galactic nuclei in the Chandra Deep Field South

Tozzi09: The VLA Survey of the Chandra Deep Field-South. III. X-Ray Spectral Properties of Radio Sources

Trakhtenbrot12: Black hole growth to z = 2 - I. Improved virial methods for measuring M$_{BH}$ and L/L$_{Edd}$

Treister05: The Cal{\'a}n-Yale Deep Extragalactic Research (CYDER) Survey: Optical Properties and Deep Spectroscopy of Serendipitous X-Ray Sources

Treister09a: Optical Spectroscopy of X-Ray Sources in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South

Treister09b: The Space Density of Compton-Thick Active Galactic Nucleus and the X-Ray Background

Treister09c: Heavily Obscured AGN in Star-Forming Galaxies at z sime 2

Treister12: Major Galaxy Mergers Only Trigger the Most Luminous Active Galactic Nuclei

Treister13: New Observational Constraints on the Growth of the First Supermassive Black Holes

Trouille08: The OPTX Project. I. The Flux and Redshift Catalogs for the CLANS, CLASXS, and CDF-N Fields

Trouille09: The OPTX Project. III. X-ray Versus Optical Spectral Type for Active Galactic Nuclei

Trump09: The COSMOS Active Galactic Nucleus Spectroscopic Survey. I. XMM-Newton Counterparts

Trump11: Accretion Rate and the Physical Nature of Unobscured Active Galaxies

Trump11b: A CANDELS WFC3 Grism Study of Emission-line Galaxies at z \raisebox{-0.5ex}\textasciitilde 2: A Mix of Nuclear Activity and Low-metallicity Star Formation

Trump15: The Biases of Optical Line-Ratio Selection for Active Galactic Nuclei and the Intrinsic Relationship between Black Hole Accretion and Galaxy Star Formation

Tsai15: The Most Luminous Galaxies Discovered by WISE

Turner97: ASCA Observations of Type 2 Seyfert Galaxies. I. Data Analysis Results

Turner99: On X-Ray Variability in Seyfert Galaxies

Tytler00: Review of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and Primordial Abundances

Ueda14: Toward the Standard Population Synthesis Model of the X-Ray Background: Evolution of X-Ray Luminosity and Absorption Functions of Active Galactic Nuclei Including Compton-thick Populations

Ulrich97: Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei

Umehata15: ALMA Deep Field in SSA22: A Concentration of Dusty Starbursts in a z = 3.09 Protocluster Core

Umehata20: ALMA Deep Field in SSA22. A near-infrared-dark submillimeter galaxy at z = 4.0

Urry95: Unified Schemes for Radio-Loud Active Galactic Nuclei

Uttley02: Measuring the broad-band power spectra of active galactic nuclei with RXTE

Valluri05: The Low End of the Supermassive Black Hole Mass Function: Constraining the Mass of a Nuclear Black Hole in NGC 205 via Stellar Kinematics

Van_der_klis89: Quasi-periodic oscillations and noise in low-mass X-ray binaries.

Van_der_wel04: The Fundamental Plane of Field Early-Type Galaxies at z = 1

Van_der_wel12: Structural Parameters of Galaxies in CANDELS

Van_dokkum01: Cosmic-Ray Rejection by Laplacian Edge Detection

Van_dokkum08: Confirmation of the Remarkable Compactness of Massive Quiescent Galaxies at z \raisebox{-0.5ex}\textasciitilde 2.3: Early-Type Galaxies Did not Form in a Simple Monolithic Collapse

Van_dokkum10: The Growth of Massive Galaxies Since z = 2

Van_dokkum14: Dense Cores in Galaxies Out to z = 2.5 in SDSS, UltraVISTA, and the Five 3D-HST/CANDELS Fields

Vanzella08: The great observatories origins deep survey. VLT/FORS2 spectroscopy in the GOODS-South field: Part III

Vasudevan07: Piecing together the X-ray background: bolometric corrections for active galactic nuclei

Vasudevan13: X-Ray Properties of the Northern Galactic Cap Sources in the 58 Month Swift/BAT Catalog

Vaughan03: On characterizing the variability properties of X-ray light curves from active galaxies

Vaughan11: The rapid X-ray variability of NGC 4051

Velazquez21: The time-scales probed by star formation rate indicators for realistic, bursty star formation histories from the FIRE simulations

Verbunt93: Origin and evolution of X-ray binaries and binary radio pulsars.

Verner96: Atomic Data for Astrophysics. II. New Analytic FITS for Photoionization Cross Sections of Atoms and Ions

Videla13: Nuclear Infrared Spectral Energy Distribution of Type II Active Galactic Nuclei

Villa-velez21: Fitting spectral energy distributions of FMOS-COSMOS emission-line galaxies at z {\ensuremath{\sim}} 1.6: Star formation rates, dust attenuation, and [OIII]{\ensuremath{\lambda}}5007 emission-line luminosities

Villarroel14: The different neighbours around Type-1 and Type-2 active galactic nuclei

Villforth17: Host galaxies of luminous z {$sim$} 0.6 quasars: major mergers are not prevalent at the highest AGN luminosities

Vito13: The high-redshift (z {\gt} 3) active galactic nucleus population in the 4-Ms Chandra Deep Field-South

Vito14: Black hole accretion preferentially occurs in gas-rich galaxies*

Vito14a: The hard X-ray luminosity function of high-redshift (3 $\lt$ z {\lsim} 5) active galactic nuclei

Vito16: The deepest X-ray view of high-redshift galaxies: constraints on low-rate black hole accretion

Vito18: High-redshift AGN in the Chandra Deep Fields: the obscured fraction and space density of the sub-L$_{*}$ population

Vito18b: Heavy X-ray obscuration in the most luminous galaxies discovered by WISE

Vito19: The X-ray properties of z 6 quasars: no evident evolution of accretion physics in the first Gyr of the Universe

Voit05: The baseline intracluster entropy profile from gravitational structure formation

Volonteri10: Formation of supermassive black holes

Volonteri10b: Gravitational recoil: effects on massive black hole occupation fraction over cosmic time

Volonteri15: Black hole accretion versus star formation rate: theory confronts observations

Volonteri16: The cosmic evolution of massive black holes in the Horizon-AGN simulation

Volonteri17: High-redshift Galaxies and Black Holes Detectable with the JWST: A Population Synthesis Model from Infrared to X-Rays

Von_der_linden10: Star formation and AGN activity in SDSS cluster galaxies

Vulic21: The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS): Presenting The Demographics of X-ray Emission From Normal Galaxies

Walcher11: Fitting the integrated spectral energy distributions of galaxies

Walton14: NuSTAR and XMM-NEWTON Observations of NGC 1365: Extreme Absorption Variability and a Constant Inner Accretion Disk

Wang04: Revised Rates of Stellar Disruption in Galactic Nuclei

Wang14: HerMES: point source catalogues from Herschel-SPIRE observations II

Wang17: AGN-host connection at 0.5 $\lt$ z $\lt$ 2.5: A rapid evolution of AGN fraction in red galaxies during the last 10 Gyr

Wang19: A dominant population of optically invisible massive galaxies in the early Universe

Wang22: A$^{3}$COSMOS: A census on the molecular gas mass and extent of main-sequence galaxies across cosmic time

Wang_j10: Revisiting the Short-term X-ray Spectral Variability of NGC 4151 with Chandra

Wang_w10: Ultradeep K$_{S}$ Imaging in the GOODS-N

Watson13: The Strikingly Similar Relation between Satellite and Central Galaxies and their Dark Matter Halos since z = 2

Weigel17: AGN and their host galaxies in the local Universe: two mass independent Eddington ratio distribution functions characterize black hole growth

Weinberger17: Simulating galaxy formation with black hole driven thermal and kinetic feedback

Weisskopf00: Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO): overview

Wellons15: The formation of massive, compact galaxies at z = 2 in the Illustris simulation

Wells15: The Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope, VI: The Medium Resolution Spectrometer

Weymann91: Comparisons of the emission-line and continuum properties of broad absorption line and normal quasi-stellar objects

Whitaker12: The Star Formation Mass Sequence Out to z = 2.5

Whitaker14: Constraining the Low-mass Slope of the Star Formation Sequence at 0.5 $\lt$ z $\lt$ 2.5

Whitaker17: The Constant Average Relationship between Dust-obscured Star Formation and Stellar Mass from z = 0 to z = 2.5

Whiting01: Red synchrotron jets in Parkes quasars

Wild10: Timing the starburst-AGN connection

Wilkes15: Director's Log

Willett13: Galaxy Zoo 2: detailed morphological classifications for 304 122 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

Williams09: Detection of Quiescent Galaxies in a Bicolor Sequence from Z = 0-2

Williams18: The JWST Extragalactic Mock Catalog: Modeling Galaxy Populations from the UV through the Near-IR over 13 Billion Years of Cosmic History

Wilms00: On the Absorption of X-Rays in the Interstellar Medium

Wirth04: The Team Keck Treasury Redshift Survey of the GOODS-North Field

Wright10: The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE): Mission Description and Initial On-orbit Performance

Wright15: The Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope, II: Design and Build

Wu08: The X-Ray Spectral Evolution in X-Ray Binaries and Its Application to Constrain the Black Hole Mass of Ultraluminous X-Ray Sources

Wu12: Submillimeter Follow-up of WISE-selected Hyperluminous Galaxies

Wu13: Radiative efficiency of disc accretion in individual SDSS QSOs

Wu15: An ultraluminous quasar with a twelve-billion-solar-mass black hole at redshift 6.30

Wuyts08: FIREWORKS U$_{38}$-to-24 {$\mu$}m Photometry of the GOODS Chandra Deep Field-South: Multiwavelength Catalog and Total Infrared Properties of Distant K$_{s}$-selected Galaxies

Wuyts09: Optical Spectroscopy of Distant Red Galaxies

Wuyts11: On Star Formation Rates and Star Formation Histories of Galaxies Out to z \~{} 3

Xia11: Spectroscopic Study of the HST/ACS PEARS Emission-line Galaxies

Xu15: The Relation between Luminous AGNs and Star Formation in Their Host Galaxies

Xu15b: Anisotropic radiation from accretion disc coronae in active galactic nuclei

Xu_y15: Anisotropic radiation from accretion disc coronae in active galactic nuclei

Xue10: Color-Magnitude Relations of Active and Non-active Galaxies in the Chandra Deep Fields: High-redshift Constraints and Stellar-mass Selection Effects

Xue11: The Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: 4 Ms Source Catalogs

Xue12: Tracking down the Source Population Responsible for the Unresolved Cosmic 6-8 keV Background

Xue16: The 2 Ms Chandra Deep Field-North Survey and the 250 ks Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: Improved Point-source Catalogs

Xue17: The Chandra deep fields: Lifting the veil on distant active galactic nuclei and X-ray emitting galaxies

Xue19: A magnetar-powered X-ray transient as the aftermath of a binary neutron-star merger

Yang06: Spatial Correlation Function of the Chandra-selected Active Galactic Nuclei

Yang14: Photometric Redshifts in the Hawaii-Hubble Deep Field-North (H-HDF-N)

Yang16: Long-term X-Ray Variability of Typical Active Galactic Nuclei in the Distant Universe

Yang17: Black Hole Growth Is Mainly Linked to Host-galaxy Stellar Mass Rather Than Star Formation Rate

Yang18: Linking black hole growth with host galaxies: the accretion-stellar mass relation and its cosmic evolution

Yang18b: Does black-hole growth depend on the cosmic environment?

Yang19: Evident black hole-bulge coevolution in the distant universe

Yang19b: Searching for fast extragalactic X-ray transients in Chandra surveys

Yang20: X-CIGALE: Fitting AGN/galaxy SEDs from X-ray to infrared

Yang21: JWST/MIRI Simulated Imaging: Insights into Obscured Star Formation and AGNs for Distant Galaxies in Deep Surveys

Yang21b: Do Current X-Ray Observations Capture Most of the Black-hole Accretion at High Redshifts?

Yang22: Fitting AGN/Galaxy X-Ray-to-radio SEDs with CIGALE and Improvement of the Code

Yang_q18: Discovery of 21 New Changing-look AGNs in the Northern Sky

Yaqoob12: The nature of the Compton-thick X-ray reprocessor in NGC 4945

Yesuf14: From Starburst to Quiescence: Testing Active Galactic Nucleus feedback in Rapidly Quenching Post-starburst Galaxies

York00: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Technical Summary

Young12: Variability-selected Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei in the 4 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South

Younger08: The Self-Regulated Growth of Supermassive Black Holes

Yu16: On the Inconsistency between Cosmic Stellar Mass Density and Star Formation Rate up to z {\ensuremath{\sim}} 8

Yuan14: Hot Accretion Flows Around Black Holes

Yuan18: Einstein Probe: Exploring the ever-changing X-ray Universe

Yuan_f18: Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback in an Elliptical Galaxy with the Most Updated AGN Physics. I. Low Angular Momentum Case

Zhang11: The Longest Timescale X-ray Variability Reveals Evidence for Active Galactic Nuclei in the High Accretion State

Zhang13: Quasar-Galaxy Clustering through Projected Galaxy Counts at z = 0.6-1.2

Zhang16: Distributions of Quasar Hosts on the Galaxy Main Sequence Plane

Zhang97: High Energy Continuum Spectra from X-Ray Binaries

Zheng04: Photometric Redshift of X-Ray Sources in the Chandra Deep Field-South

Zheng06: An Overdensity of Galaxies near the Most Distant Radio-loud Quasar

Zheng17: Deepest View of AGN X-Ray Variability with the 7 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South Survey

Zheng20: Link between radio-loud AGNs and host-galaxy shape

Zhu20: The L$_{X}$-L$_{uv}$-L$_{radio}$ relation and corona-disc-jet connection in optically selected radio-loud quasars

Zhu_p20: The Correlation between Black Hole Mass and Stellar Mass for Classical Bulges and the Cores of Ellipticals

Zoghbi10: Broad iron L line and X-ray reverberation in 1H0707-495

Zoghbi11: X-ray reverberation close to the black hole in RE J1034+396

Zoghbi12: Relativistic iron K X-ray reverberation in NGC 4151

Zou19: The Host-galaxy Properties of Type 1 versus Type 2 Active Galactic Nuclei

Zou20: X-ray properties of dust-obscured galaxies with broad optical/UV emission lines

Zou22: Spectral Energy Distributions in Three Deep-drilling Fields of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time: Source Classification and Galaxy Properties

Zubovas19: Tidal disruption events can power the observed AGN in dwarf galaxies